Chapter 19 - Family? My twin. Twin? My Family.

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Chapter 19 - Family? My Twin. Twin? My Family.  


Will scowls as he turns to me and I see the way he wanted to leave. He really did. It made me wonder how in the world they managed to keep me calm and in place. Then I remember they offered me food but Will would be less than thrilled to receive food from them. At least not yet.

Small steps, Cody. Small steps.

Aaron is the first to speak and his eyes are a little glossy, "What happened to you?" he asks as his eyes trail over my body. I was a mess and I felt bad for worrying him. It wasn't that bad.

I shrug slowly and look at the wall to my left. Before, I had no problem telling them what happened... but I have learned and things were better kept secret. He would only hurt if he knew what they had done to me. It was better if they didn't-

"What else could've happened?" Will demands and I turn to him with parted lips. His eyes were on my twin a little harshly before looking at the rest of my friends the same way, "Richard gave him to men like them" he snarls as he gives Michael, Viktor, Jefferson... and Milo a look.

"Will!" I hiss quietly, trying not to move up but wanting him to be quiet as I looked at my friends.

Milo's expression ached my heart. Will didn't know yet. He'd know what Milo meant soon.

Will scowls as he turns to me with a huff, "They asked. I answered" he says. Since when did he listen to them? I open my mouth to protest but he was already tuning back to my twin and many friends. He raises his head a little, "Richard beat him in front of us then fucked him."

Gods, no. I turn away and glare down at the wall as I try not to cry. Don't look at them. Don't. Don't let them see how much it hurt.

"Cody..." Will pauses and I could practically see the frown on his face. He was confused. "He fought. I don't know why" he adds weirdly and I ignore the ache beginning to spread up my stiff neck. "Then Richard let the other man fuck him" he says and I remember the way he sank his claws in my hips. My eyes trail over the couch beneath the window and I study the light green of it.

That's when I feel the soft presence at the back of my head and I feel the comfort it gave fill me up. It was back. Slowly, feeling much better, I turn to face my brother and watch his pale face- he was so pale- and my mate looked absolutely livid.

"Then Richard didn't give him food so I gave him some of mine" he continues and I watch how Aaron was looking at Will with... something. "Cody was an example. Everyone was scared. Then Richard gave him for free."

"To who?" Ollie asks softly, his eyes flicking down my neck and back to Will.

I see Will frown from the corner of my eyes as he tilts his head a little, "To everyone" he says and I watch how Aaron presses his hand to his mouth, how my mate seems to be staring at the able in anger. "They came for Cody all day. They left him with blood when they were done."

I really don't think Will should be telling them what happened to me. He was too explicit. He should just tell them what happened vaguely and get on with it.

"Then early today Richard had all of his friends like them-" he adds, sending a glare to the four Alphas, "-touch Cody for free. He couldn't walk when he came back."

"It wasn't bad" I mutter with a scowl. It had been terrible.

"You couldn't talk either" Will scowls down at me. He looks at my face and down to my body, "He couldn't breathe much either" he adds. I roll my eyes and turn back to my brother. I couldn't let him feel bad. I had time to cry later. "It's okay" Will says softly after a while, and I turn to see him move closer, brushing my hair back. "I'm going to kill him" he promises before he leans closer and his lips touch mine.

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