Chapter 17 - Purple

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Chapter 17  - Purple 

(Again, mentions and actions of rape. You've been warned.)


The first night was the worst- or so I had thought. I thought it was worst by the way my body had been used and thrown aside. I had barely remembered the way it felt to had such pain throbbing through my body. I didn't remember the way it felt to have someone use me so cruelly.

I'd been so wrong.

No day was easier than the other-they all were as painful as the rest of them.

"Open your mouth" Will murmurs softly, dragging the wet cloth along my forehead as he cradled my head on his lap. My lips were dry and as much as I wanted to listen to him, I couldn't. My mouth was numb, tense at being open for so long. I couldn't feel the muscles. I could barely see him through one eye- it was swollen and my face ached when I talked.

I deserved this for Jamie and Mia.

Will gently parts my lips when I don't make an attempt and he squeezes the cloth against my lips, the water soothing against my throat. The water was dirty, of course, but after so long of having men spill in my mouth, it was as good as any.  "Close your eyes. Rest" he adds while giving me a comforting kiss. I swallow thickly knowing I should, but I couldn't.

The pain wouldn't let me.

So instead I look at his bare chest, studying the pale surface and the bruises covering his skin. There weren't many on him- I guess he didn't get some of the harsh ones. I was glad for him.

Will holds me for a while, my face on his lap as he held me without moving. The room was very silent- no conversations this time like i remembered. It made me realize that Richard had made a statement and they were still completely terrified of what he would do to them. I've even noticed the wide berth they gave us as if the simple thought of Richard seeing them beside us would make them easy targets for him. Perhaps they were right in staying away, but it made me angry that they wouldn't stand fight back. 

Then again they didn't know other than to listen.

Their silence made my ears ring and with a horrifying thought I realized that I no longer felt the presence in my head. It was completely... gone. I couldn't feel the warmth it gave me, the protection and the feeling of comfort it gave me. Now I felt completely cold and alone and I just wanted it all back. I wanted to be back with Michael.

But... what if he found another person to have sex with?

What if... he noticed Milo?

The thought alone of them entangled in sheets- the same sheets he had touched me- made me sick. It made my eyes burn and a squeezing feeling to appear at the top of my nose, my throat clogging with the need to sob his name, cry it, scream it until my voice was hoarse and he would find me. I wouldn't blame him- after all, so many men were touching me.

Milo wasn't a bad person- he really wasn't. I liked Milo when he wasn't near Michael. But he had a right to want to have sex with Michael. He was able to choose who to touch, unlike me. Was he with Michael now? Kissing him and touching him while I couldn't?

"You're crying again" Will murmurs as he brushed the tears away with his fingers. He tilts my head closer to him and leans down as he lowers his voice, "You know you can't. It attracts attention." I just couldn't stop! It felt like the only thing I had control over. "What is wrong?"

I couldn't really speak through a numb jaw so I simply clutch his fingers with my own. Michael. God, Michael, I miss you.

Will remained silent for their couple of moments, until the door opened again.  At first I thought it was for me but then I hear wheels rolling in and I knew it was food. A couple minutes and a bread is thrown at Will- along with raw meat- before I am skipped and the others get their food. As soon as the man left, Will caresses my cheek- which wasn't as numb as before- and sits back. "We have to eat before they come back" he says as he rips his bread in half and I turn my head away.

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