Chapter 6

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“Dad, what has happened?” I pried; my dad looked so confused and scared.

He took a deep intake of breath and ran his finger through his hair before speaking.

“Son. You have to promise not to tell any one anything I tell you now. Do you promise me?” suddenly tears were forming in his eyes. He looked away and I saw his hand rise to his eyes.

I had never seen my dad like this before, he never cried... ever. I felt horrible, I hadn't been here in so long and if I had been then I would have seen what was happening with my dad, I would have been able to stop it or at least make it better. I had to do my part and I had to make it better.

“I promise you. Please just tell me, I can help. I’m here now.”

“I don’t think you can help… well you know I had a fall that’s not hard to see. But everyone thinks I was just reaching to get a glass and fell. The truth is I blacked out. I don’t know how it happened. One minute I was fine, the next I woke up on the floor.”

“Dad… have you been to see a doctor, I could get Carlisle to come and check you out. He won’t say anything.”

“No no. Jacob. I don’t need a doctor I’m fine now. Its just I keep having these dreams about someone or something pushing me on the floor. I can’t be sure if it’s a human in my dreams but I have the same one every night. I haven’t said anything coz I’ll sound like a loon. And they will think I hit my head when I fell. But it feels so real everything about the dream feels real.”

“Dad, what happened in the dream?”

“I do everything I did the night of the fall but I see something in the shadows and just ignore it. Then I hear someone speak in my ear and then I fall and wake up.”

“What does the person say?”

I realized I was asking probably too many questions in a short space of time but I needed to know all the details. I knew my dad was telling the truth, that he felt like there was something behind the dream, some sort of reality.

“That doesn’t matter. You should be going you need sleep now.”

“Dad, what is said?”

My dad stalled for a second. He took my face in his hand and looked straight into my eyes. He looked so pained to say what he was about to say, like some how it was going to kill me.

“Son. You know I want you just to be happy, and please just remember this is a dream. It means nothing. Its not what I think I promise you that… the voice that I hear it says that Nessie doesn’t belong to you, and that if you continue to love her she will be killed.”

“What? No, it’s just a dream .OK? It’s not real. She won’t be killed. We belong together and I love her and she loves me. That’s how it will stay.”

I know my dad said it was just a dream, but what if that happened? What if someone had said that to him before he fell? Nessie had a dream the same as that the other night and she said it felt so real to her too. I didn’t know what to do I couldn’t stand around; it meant something, for my dad and Nessie to have the same dream. I had to tell Bella, let her know. We had to figure something out. Something wasn’t right. And I was going to find out what it was.

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