Chapter 13

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I most of fallen asleep, because I woke up in a dark room. Besides me was heavy breathing and slight snoring. I groaned and tried to sit up, only to be pulled back down.

"Stop moving," A muffled voice said. Alexander.

"Let me go, I need to pee," I snapped. Groaning, Alexander let go off me. I walked to my bathroom only to run into a door. Which is when I was reminded I wasn't at home I was at Alexander's house.

"What the hell was that?" Alexander said, suddenly a light flickered on as I rubbed my forehead.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Down the hall," Alexander said. I nodded and followed his instructions. The bathroom was tiny and bright yellow! The bathtub was an eggshell color and had the same length of a baby crib. The toilet was centimeters away. It looked completely uncomfortable. Clean, but uncomfortable. It didn't have a cushion seat! I frowned which is when the dark brown beast in the corner of my eye. I let out a loud scream and raced back to Alexander's room.

"What?" Alexander asked.

"S-s-s-spider!" I stuttered. Alexander rolled his eyes and walked to the bathroom. I crept behind him and watched him kill the spider.

"There, happy?" Alexander said, as he threw away the dead spider.

"Not really," I mumbled.

"Just use the bathroom Annabell," Alexander said, as he walked back to his room/

"Sir, yes sir," I mumbled.

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