Dating? Married? Child?

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Chapter 7

No ones POV

Kakashi and (name) finally pulled away from a kiss.

"(Name) are you my girlfriend yet?" He chuckles

"Yeah of course"

Kakashi then kiss (name's) cheek and got off of the hospital bed

Later everyday until I would get healed Kakashi would go to (name's) room to visit her. Days passed by and finally they told everyone that they were dating

{I don't want to explain there dates and stuff because it would get boring you know?}

(Name) POV

I wake up from bed and I see Kakashi in my bed next to me without a shirt!!! I wake up trying to remember what we did last night but everything's a blur. The only thing I remember is we hung out in my room?

"Kakashi wake up" I whisper in his ear

Out of no where he kisses my lips. I kiss back but soon I push him back

"Kakashi I need to ask you a question"

"What is it?"

"What did we do last night? All is remember is hanging out in my room making out?

"Uhh I don't remember either"


"It's ok but we should get dressed"

"I'll change in the bathroom you can just stay here Kakashi"

~Next Day~

I wake up from bed and I run to the bathroom to throw up

"What the hell is happening?!"

~Next Day~

"Man I threw up again!"

"What the heck is wrong with me?"

~Next day~


I need to tell Kakashi about this. I run over to his house and knock on the door waiting for a response. The door opens

"Kakashi come here" I lean in and kiss him on the cheek.

"Well I guess come in"

I came in and sat on the couch

"Kakashi I need to tell you something"

"Sure what is it?"

"I have been throwing up for 3 days Straight"

"Oh noooooo"


"It means your pregnant!"


"Do you mean what we did last night as "that"?

"Yeah I think so" he turns his head and blushes. I just know my face is a tomato

"Well we should go to the hospital and check for sure" we both nod our heads and head to the hospital. We enter and we finally get a room to check if I'm pregnant.

"Umm I have check around and you are pregnant"

"NUUUU" I yell at the doctor

"Well I think I'll leave you to be" The girl women Doctor leaves the room

"Come on (name) you know it's not that bad having a family together..."

"What?" I say confused

"Well you know sooner or later we were going to have to have a family"

"Yeah I guess your right but I'm going to look fat..."

"It's ok as long as people know your pregnant than its fine"

"Yeah yeah" I smile and kiss his cheek again

"Aww come on you keep on kissing me on the check maybe on the lips?" I smiles

"You desperately asking me to kiss you again?" I smirk

"Let's go home" we go home and try to rest but I couldn't go on missions but at least I could train until my belly is fat

{ I forgot to mention that Kakashi and (name) are already married for at least 6 months}

^•^ Heh readers I'm honestly super sorry that this chapter was really short. I have lost some interest in writing this story because I have started to write another fanfic that is not currently out. I have lost interest in writing this book in sorry but this book will end around the 10th chapter ^•^

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