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Addison's Pov:

September 18th, 2020.
5: 15 am.

  "Penny! PENNY! OH MY GOSH. PENNY GET UP". I was fighting back tears...at least, I was trying to fight them back. I was miserably failing; at that instant, my tears all came pouring down over my cheeks. My sister, Penelope, wouldn't get out of bed, and I had no idea what to do...or what was happening. She finally rolled over and looked at me standing beside her bed in our room, looking a mess with my face red and eyes puffy. "Addy? What's wrong? What happened...bad dream?", she asked. I looked over at the clock on our nearly bare room's wall.

5:32 am.

"No, no...Pen...Penny, just...please, look out the window.", I said through tears. I was on the verge of hyperventilating at this point. I had no earthly idea what was going on outside of my house. "Okay, but I don't know wha--", Penny was turning over and sitting up on her bed so that she was looking out of the window, but her breathing hitched, and her words became less and less audible...until eventually she stopped speaking altogether. Her previous, nonchalant look was now replaced by a look of newfound horror and sudden fear. I was just about to ask her if she knew what was happening when--

"Officers of federal state money transfer and borrowings! Sent by Mr. R.J. Michaelson! Open up or we come prepared with warrants for house arrest and seizing. We will come in!"

Someone--someone from a federal state money service, apparently--was beating on our front door, threatening to break it down and come in.

"Addison. Where is dad?", Penny's voice was shaky, and she was obviously (and understandably) concerned.

"I--I thought he was in his room."

"Let's go see if he's still asleep...even though I can't see how he could be. I don't know who these people are...but they obviously aren't leaving without whatever answers it is that they need", Penelope said as she slowly got up off of her bed. "Okay...but don't make any sudden noises...we don't want them to think we're hiding from them or anything I'm sure", I replied.

We walked across the hallway, ducking when we got in possible view from the front doors window. We crawled the rest of the way to our dads doorway...only to see that he wasn't there.

He wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Dad? Dad where are you?", I yell-whispered.

"Dad?! DA--"

My sister was cut off from yelling for him when two people wrapped their hands around arms, pulling us out of our fathers bedroom.

I was petrified.

We were both only seventeen years old...but we were currently being stuffed into two burlap sacks, and then tied into them while men's voices were heard above us.

We were going to be killed, I didn't know why or how, but I felt that in the near, near future...we would be ended.

And it all went wrong at 5:32 am.

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