The end of Creepypasta

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Hello readers, it has been awhile and I just wanted to talk about Creepypasta and it's trend. As you all know creepypasta was an amazing gateway to horror and being what it is, it did it's job amazingly at expanding the horror community. However now we are reaching the decline of Creepypasta.

What am I talking about? Writers are moving on, artists are disappearing, the hype has diminished, the audience is either growing up or reclusing. In other words 2017 will mark the fall of creepypasta. I myself have grown out of it, I've moved onto animation and drawing, I've grown as a person, and am no longer a horror writer. Sure I'm capable of doing it but I can't be "the Jack of all trades". I have chosen to settle on animation and drawing because that's what will lead me to success. Creepypasta has nothing left for me. 

I am no longer motivated to write, stories don't manage to interest me enough to read or listen to them, the Youtubers are now remaking each other's work, and it feels like the community has stalled at 1 million for too long. We are no longer growing, we are shrinking. 

So everyone this is my farewell to the community. I will leave my works of course, and if you ask then I will provide my drawings here on wattpad. But this is the end of my horror streak. I love you guys, you were great over the years and were a big part of me growing up. I won't forget the time I've spent here. Goodbye my Dredful followers. 

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