How to become a "Creepypasta"

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WARNING: these games can have actual effects on you or things in your life. I don't encourage playing them but if you do then please read thoroughly and know exactly what your doing before attempting. Play them at your own risk.


If you have chosen to continue reading then I suggest you know exactly how to complete this game and what will happen when you do... Or when you fuck up. Completing this game will allow you to become what is referred to as a "Creepypasta" but there are consequences since this is not the conventional way. This "game" is highly risky but if you are willing to attempt it in the first place you shouldn't have anything to lose. When the game is complete you will become an unconventional "Creepypasta" which means nearly everything about you will change (Sometimes even gender).

You will have a different personality entirely (with a few exceptions) and all things you used to see as positive will become negative. All the people you loved you will now hate. All the things you valued you now want to destroy, all the the things you enjoy you will now hate, in other words you will be a being filled with negativity. Your sanity will be completely gone and for those of you who think you have already lost your sanity you should see those who have completed this game.

The creatures are just... Out of control.

You will need a shot of adrenaline, 10 gallons of tar (at least), a hand held mirror, a knife or blade of your choice, your closest loved one ( DO NOT tell him or her what you are about to do) , a room with only one door and one window, a holy object of any kind, a lighter, and a flammable liquid (besides the tar), and the will to endure more pain than man is capable of.

The first and second steps can be taken in whichever order you choose but it is better if you do it in the order given.

Step 1: first you must bring all the items and your loved one into the room. You must kill your loved one by removal of the heart (make sure the heart itself is not damaged or you will have to repeat this step with your next loved one). When the heart is removed set it down next to the mirror.

Step 2: drench your right hand and the holy item you chose in the flammable liquid and ignite it with the lighter, and place the holy object on the handheld mirror.

Step 3: take the heart in your still burning hand and consume it (try not to allow any to drip anywhere)

Step 4: you must now cover yourself in the tar (you will notice the mirror and holy object will now begin to react if you have done all the steps right). Now grab the lighter if you have not already caught on fire and ignite yourself.

Step 5: kneel in front of the mirror and chant " I call upon the darkness inside me, I wish to release you". Keep chanting this (there isn't a certain amount of time or chants required to summon the darkness within you but you must not pause for more than a few moments between chants).

Step 6: Once your darkness has been released your flames with be put out from the very presence of it. Inject yourself with the adrenaline shot. Tell the darkness "I wish to become you", take the blade you brought and stab it directly into your sternum (do not stab deeper than 5 inches). The darkness will now enter you through the wound.

If you are not dead from the steps the congratulations you are now a "Creepypasta". Hopefully you have what you were looking for. Although you aren't really you anymore and don't represent what you used to be in any way, shape or form (besides humanoid shape if you are lucky).

At this point if you have done all the steps well you don't really care about this but you are going to now kill everyone and everything that you felt some positive feeling for when you were human. I'm pretty sure you can no longer understand english or any human language. If you are lucky you might be able to speak and understand the ancient demon language. If this is not what you wanted well I would apologize but it actually is what you want now. You feel no regret and there is no creature out there to relate to you. Not even the others. From here on out you are on your own. You are still mortal and when you do end up dying you will not come back. Your soul (which will have the same personality when you were human) will be condemned to hell for the sins you committed in your new form. I hope it was worth it.


It has been quite awhile since I showed you one of these hasn't it? Well here is one for you. You may ask questions if you like. Some I will answer. I cannot promise an answer or that I will read your question as soon as you ask it. *Bows* Stay Dredful.

((Authors note: These games are purely for your reading entertainment and are not meant to be played. They are fiction and playing these games will not do anything other than cause you to harm yourself or others for needless reasons and I could possibly get arrested for it because I would be to blame. DO NOT PLAY THEM. Thank you.))

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