Ice's writing tips

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Okay! Well, welcome to my Writing tips book that i will post different chapters on things i feel a writer should know about before starting a story, helping them imporve it etc. If you have any topic ideas i haven't or have not yet covered, please comment below :D First off i'd like to say somethings. Characters that i refrence in this book that i OWN are MINE! I will use character examples from my stories as well as other books to get a...varity idea of characters, story gerens etc. Please do not steal my characters as i will find you, hunt you down and....lets jsut leave it right there :D Anyway, feel free to comment or correct what my opinion is but please no rude comments. Last week i got a nasty comment from someone saying that i was a bitch and a hoe for my story plot line. It made me want to go find them and hunt them down. Its fine to dissagree with me but knowing that we should act mature and like adults, dissagree poitley with grace and manner, not in all caps saying i'm a bitch and a hoe and other words that i find very childish (Lol, i'm only 16!) but still. I think we should be mature in our comments and such. Also, in this book i will reference characters from movies, plays, and stories and those characters I DO NOT OWN!!!! so anyway, love you guys and thanks so much :D



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