Bianca Del Rio |Option 2|

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Imagine Bianca surprises you with a date night and dancing.

Bianca's schedule had been hectic lately so hectic that you hadn't really seen her in months, you missed feeling the warmth of her body curled around yours. So Bianca had booked a night off from her stupidly crazy life and tonight she was taking you on a date but she hasn't told you where yet.

Sitting in the lounge watching Netflix you heard the lock on the front door go and in walked Bianca smiling like always, jumping off the sofa you ran and jumped into her arms "Oft calm down Beyoncé" she laughs as you basically tackle her.

"I'm glad your home" You say as you both stand there hugging, Bianca wouldn't admit it but she misses you as much or even more than you miss her and you can always tell because she buries her face into your hair smells it.

"Here" You look up to see Bianca handing you a bandana "Uhm thanks?" you say causing her to burst out laughing "Put it over your eyes" Putting the bandana over your eyes you feel Bianca tie it at the back and start to get a little worried and kinda turned on.

"If this what you want to do all night I'm game" you tell her sexily feeling her hips as she laughs, you could almost feel her smile. "Well that was option 2" she whispers in your ear which causes you to shiver. Damn that would've been my option 1.

Feeling her hand in yours you grab the top of her arm with your free hand so you can steady yourself, falling over in front of Bianca was not a good idea, Bianca uses you a lot in her comedy skits and jokes so making an ass of yourself was not an option.

Getting into what you guessed was a taxi you felt the car move for a while before stopping and everything was quiet, had Bianca let you in the taxi alone and blindfolded? You wouldn't put it past her. Hearing your door open you put your hand out and felt relief when you grab a familiar smooth hand.

"Here we are" Bianca tells you whilst pulling off the blindfold, looking up at the dance building you squealed and hugged Bianca, you were a professional dancer but Bianca had two left feet so you very rarely got to go dancing with her.

Walking into the dance club you saw a mix between old and young people. Smiling you heard an upbeat song and you knew that Bianca knew some of the steps because you had taught her some moves before she went on Drag Race.

"Come on" she said grabbing your hand and twirling you around until your reached the middle of the dance floor. Bianca did well keeping up with some steps but fumbled a bit making you both laugh "Hey I'm clown realness ok, I don't dance" She said smiling widely showing all her beautiful white teeth.

The music soon changed into a slow song for the older people and you and Bianca soon joined together, your arms around her neck and hers around your waistbecause she was taller than you. "Thanks" you whispered in to her ear and smiled feeling her shiver like you had done before.

"For what?" she said leaning back to look at you "I know you hate dancing but I'm really just glad we're together" you said smiling at her but frowned when she looked upset. "I'm sorry" she sighed "I'm always working and I guess I don't think about how much time you're without me"

You shrug your shoulders as you both swayed "It upsets me sometimes but then I realise you're doing something you love and enjoy. Plus, I like being your biggest fan" Bianca smiles widely and opened her mouth before a romantic Latin dance song comes on.

Bianca looks lost "Fuck, you know I can't dance to this one" Pulling her against you, you see her look at you in shock before you start rubbing yourself up and down her getting a few stares and Bianca notices "Damn this was a bad idea why do people think it's ok to stare and ..." noticing Bianca was getting frustrated you quickly press you lips on to hers making her stop ranting.

Once she realises what's going on she pulls you to her tighter and puts her hands in your hair making the kiss more passionate. Feeling Bianca relaxing into your embrace you continue to kiss until Bianca's hands start to wonder to other place's.

Pulling apart you see everyone staring at you "Maybe we should go home and do option 2"you say giggling as she nods eagerly. Grabbing Bianca's hand, you pull her to the door but not before Bianca turns back to all the people and shouts "This is my moment!".     

A/N This was a imagine for @feliciatheoddgoat who wanted a Bianca imagine, I hope you all enjoyed it!

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