Roy | Hoodie |

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Imagine you get cold and Roy gives you his hoodie.

Opening your door, you smile seeing your best friend Roy "Hey" you smile and jump forward giving him the tightest hug you could causing him to laugh. Ugh that laugh you sighed like a fan girl you'd had the biggest crush on Roy since you were introduced through friends like 2 months ago.

"Hey bitch you can let me go now" Roy told you jokingly causing me to jump back with a nervous smile hoping he didn't suspect anything. "Well I brought all the cheesy movies I could find and junk food" Roy exclaimed happily pulling everything he brought out of the bag.

"Awesome and I am going to get the cocktails I made us" you shouted running to the kitchen excitedly it had been a while since you and Roy had time to hang out just the two of you since neither of you had an easy schedule.

"Here" you said passing Roy his cocktail and sitting on the couch next to him, you smiled seeing him eye up the purple drink in his hand warily "What's in this girl?" he asked smelling it you smiled with the straw in your mouth "you don't want to know" Roy looked at you before drinking it, clapping your hands you grabbed the remote and pressed play squealing when you see Dirty Dancing.

"Aww Roy!" looking to your right you see Roy blushing and smiling which caused his dimples to show making your heart beat faster pull yourself together you mental scolded yourself "Well I knew you liked this piece of shit so I thought why not..." he trailed of taking a sip of his cocktail.

Leaning over the coach you pressed a kiss to Roy's cheek making him look up in shock "what was that for?" he stuttered causing you to smile widely "For bringing me my favourite film but I know it's because you want to sing all of the songs whilst you think I'm not listening" You laughed as Roy pretended like he didn't know what you meant.

Looking back at the screen you started to watch your favourite film of all time That was the summer of 1963... when everybody called me Baby and it didn't occur to me to mind "Ohh" suddenly a shiver erupted through your body causing Roy to look at you concerned "You ok?" you nodded as you rubbed the goose bumps on your arms "Yeah just a little cold I guess" You muttered.

"Here" Roy said taking off his hoodie and putting it on you rolling up the sleeves a little as they were a bit long on your petite frame "Thanks" you say blushing as Roy pulls you into his embrace whilst rubbing your arm.

Turning you head into the top of Roy's hoodie you smiled widely when you realised it smelt just like him and you couldn't help but nestle yourself deeper into his embrace and get back to Baby and Johnny wishing you and Roy had that kind of relationship.

Wiping tears away from your eyes at the end of the film you couldn't help but steal a glance at Roy who was also looking at you with an unreadable look in his eye "What?" you asked suddenly self-conscious "Nobody puts baby in the corner" he whispered before pulling my lips to his as we both smile happily much better than I ever imagined!

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