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*sorry if Tyler and Scarlett's relationship escalated too quickly and yay long chapter*

Josh's POV:
I love Tyler.

He's like a brother to me.


He's more than a brother.

But I can't help but love Scarlett too.


Do I love her?

Tyler's POV:
I love Josh.

He's like a brother to me.


He's more than a brother.

But I can't help but love Scarlett too.


Do I love her?

Scarlett's POV:
I love them both.

They're like the family I never had.


They're more than family.

They're MUCH more than family.

But I can't help but love both of them.


Do I love them?


I can't love them both. It's so incredibly wrong. I should leave. But I've already tried that and I know how that turned out.

I want them both. I need them both. But I don't deserve either. How did my life take such a big turn within the span of less than a week?

I don't know what to do.

What do I tell them?

How do I act around them?

How will they act around me?

I just don't know.

I don't deserve them at all. They're too good for me.

Josh's POV:
The rest of the drive home is in silence. When we get to the complex, Tyler runs up the stairs and goes inside.

I start to follow but notice Scarlett leaning against the car, looking at the sky. I go closer to her.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"I guess not"

"What's wrong?

"What do you think is wrong?"

"If it makes it easier, I can leave. You can live here by yourself for awhile"



More silence.

"Stop it"

"Stop what?"

"Stop doing everything for me. I am not a baby so stop treating me like one. Just stop. I can't keep having you sacrifice your life for me. Are you serious?! You would leave your own home just because I feel uncomfortable?! Just stop. I can handle things. I know how to, I just need time. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN I NEED YOU DOING EVERYTHING FOR ME SO JUST STOP JOSH!" she screams.

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