its cold outside.

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*I know Tyler and Josh's personalities are kinda different than they are IRL, but this story is developing faster than I can rationally think out my decisions. So yeah sorry if they seem different than how they would normally act bc we know they're friendship would never be broken IRL ;)*

Scarlett's POV:

I wake up in Tyler's arms. He's still sleeping. Aw. He was kind of cute when he was sleeping.

EW EW EW what am I saying?! I didn't like him. I don't like him. I can't like him. No feelings... Right?

He wakes up. I notice that we are both soaked. I guess the snow melted on us. The ground is still full of fresh white powder and it's almost colder than last night. I shiver. I wonder how Tyler isn't freezing.

Tyler's POV:
I'm freezing. How I longed for my black hoodie. But she mattered more. So I dealt with the cold.

She was still shivering. She was such a tiny human being. I needed to get her inside.

"Come on," I say hopping up. "I-I'm n-not going a-anywhere" she chatters. "You're gonna freeze to death if we stay out here any longer." I say. She doesn't budge. How can I like someone who is this stubborn? I shake my head.

I pick her up bridal style. She doesn't even have any energy to fight back. "W-what are you doing" she murmurs. "Shh. Don't talk. You'll make it worse." I tell her.

Her hair was drenched in water and snow. I needed to move faster. I didn't even know where I was going, but pretty soon I heard Josh's voice shouting out Scarlett's name. I follow his voice back to the parking lot.

Josh's POV:
I see Scarlett covered in snow and water in Tyler's arms. His arms are blue. Probably from carrying her and having no jacket.

I take her from his arms and rush over to the car. She starts to warm up after I turn on the heat. I help Tyler to the car so he can warm up too.

After a little while, they seem to be warm. We go to a drive thru and we eat in silence in the car parking lot.

Scarlett falls asleep and I throw another jacket over her. Tyler stares out the window.

"When did you find her?" I ask quietly. He doesn't respond for awhile. He finally speaks up. "Last night" he says. "Last night?! Why didn't you bring her back to the apartment?!" I whisper-shout. "She didn't want to come back" Tyler shrugged. He was still acting differently. This wasn't my best friend. Or maybe he had just changed.

"She could have died out there! Even if she didn't want to come home, you're supposed to make her come back. She wasn't thinking straight." I say, trying to keep my temper.

"I'm not going to force anyone to do anything. Besides, I kept her warm." he declared. I almost growled. "Yeah. I see how well that worked out." I sneered.

"It's not his fault" a sleepy voice chimes in from the back. We both simultaneously turn around. She looks much better. There's some color in her cheeks, and her hair is almost totally dry. "It was my fault. He tried to get me to come back, but I didn't listen. I wouldn't let him take me back last night." she says.

Tyler's POV:

I wonder why she is lying for me. I didn't even try to get her to come back last night. If anything, my actions could have been mistaken for encouragement for her to stay behind with me. Perhaps she didn't want us to continue fighting. It's a valid reason. I didn't like fighting with Josh, but she made me feel and act differently.

Josh sighs. After yet another long period of silence, Scarlett speaks.

"I don't want to jump to conclusions or make wrongful accusations, but I am assuming both of you like me" she says quietly.

Neither of us respond.

"I want to say that I cannot and will not stand in between your friendship. I guess I kinda like you both. But if it's going to break you both, I'm just going to leave. So either you two make up right now, or I'm out of your lives for good." she states.

Who does she think she is? Making rules and accusations.

I guess her accusations were right.

And I guess her rules were only her making the right decision.

But it wasn't fair.

I wanted her.

But I also wanted Josh.

What do I do?

How did all of this happen so fast?

It was just 2 days ago I was trying to find a date to my cousin's wedding, and failing miserably I might add.

But now I was fighting over a girl with my best friend.

I wish things were back to normal.

But I also wish she would pick me.

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