kinda weird.

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*hopefully someone is enjoying this story*

Scarlett's POV:

We get in the car and kind of just sit there. I was confused as to why we were not moving. 

"Um. Where do you live?" he asked quietly. 

"Oh. OH! Sorry um I live. Um. I live in uh. I... You can just drop me off at the nearest motel I'll be fine." I stumble shyly. 

"Do you not have an apartment or anything?" he wondered aloud. "Sorry. That was a dick move. It's not my business." he says, his face turning red. 

"No no. You're the one who's giving me a ride. I did have an apartment. At least a few days ago I did. I've been living with my boyfriend. Sorry. EX-boyfriend. Anyways, we just broke up I guess. I caught him cheating with my best friend. That's kind of how I ended up in the bar anyways. So um. Since I'm not living with him anymore I'm just gonna crash at a motel." I mumble. 

He looks at me. "Not that I wouldn't drive out that far for you but the nearest motel is at least 50 miles out. But I wouldn't want to leave you there anyways, without any money or clothes or anything. You can hang at my place for now." he says, starting the car. 

"That's really not necessary, you don't have to do that" I say, worried. 

"Don't mention it. Do you want to swing by your ex's place to pick up any of your things or something?" he asks. 

"Thanks but there isn't really anything that valuable to me back at his house. I'm somewhat of a minimalist." I say staring out the window. 

"Well cool." he says, continuing to keep a steady pace while driving. It's silent for a few minutes when suddenly he quietly says, "I'm Josh."

 Wow. We still hadn't introduced ourselves. 

"Sorry, I'm Scarlett." I say blushing. 

"That's pretty. Reminds me of my hair" he says, smiling. A small laugh escapes me. It was the first time I'd laughed in a while. 

We pull up to an apartment complex. We walk up to his apartment and he jiggles the key in the lock for a second, and the door clicks open. 

"Welcome to my crib" he says, mimicking the MTV show. I smile and he flicks on the light. 

"So I have two bedrooms. My best friend Tyler sleeps in the other one, but I'm really hoping he isn't here tonight." We tiptoe over to one of the bedrooms and the door creaks open. I see a lump sleeping on a bed. We go back to the living room. 

"Shit. Well um Tyler is currently occupying the other bedroom, so I'll take the couch and you can use my room" he says scratching his head. 

"Oh no that's not necessary. I can take the couch, you're doing me a favor for even letting me come here." I say quickly. 

"I won't take no for an answer. I'm taking the couch and you will take my bed." he says, crossing his arms jokingly. 

"Well ok. Thank you so much." I say. 

"Don't mention it. Here I'll grab you some clothes." he says. 

We go into his room and he pulls out a flannel. "Sorry, it's all I have. I doubt my shorts or pants would fit you." he says, blushing. It was really cute when he did that. 

"It's perfect. Thanks." I say. I go to the bathroom and take off Josh's shirt, my leggings, and my Timberland boots, but I keep my socks on since it was pretty cold. I put on the button up flannel. It only reached mid-thigh, but at least it covered my ass. 

I put my hair up into a ponytail and I wash my face. I brush my teeth with the spare toothbrush Josh had seemed to already laid out. I wonder how he did that so fast. 

I walk out and head to Josh's room. He appears to be throwing a bunch of stuff in his trash can. I clear my throat. He turns around. 

"Oh! Sorry, there was just a bunch of crap everywhere so I was just cleaning it out." his face turns the color of his hair. 

I smile. "Thank you, that's really thoughtful. Well, goodnight" I say walking towards the bed. 

"Goodnight, Scarlett" Josh says walking out the door. "Oh. And the flannel looks good on you" he says. 

"Um. Thanks" I mumble. He turns off the light and closes the door.

Josh's POV:

I shut the door. What the fuck? The flannel looks good on you? Way to creep her out Josh. I head over to the couch and take my jeans off. I find it much more comfortable to sleep in my boxers since I didn't think to get some shorts before I left my room. I grab the throw blanket and pillow from the couch and make a little bed. I lay down and shut my eyes.

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