The Hood Life 2: All the Wrong things to say.

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I sat indian style on my hotel room bed, packing what little belongings I had. I was finally moving into my house in Monroe tomorrow. I was going to pick out furniture later on today, and it kind of sucked that Jv wouldn't be going with me. I haven't seen him since the day I was supposed to get the abortion which was what, three days ago, I wasn't even sure if he was still here or not. I tried not to care about him saying he don't got nothing to do with me anymore but I did care, and I realized over the past three days that I did love his cheating ass. Maybe I was just being petty the other day because I was getting caught in my feelings, and I didn't even have any real proof of him physically cheating on me, but in my eyes, if you got another bitch in yo whip and you already got a down ass chick rocking with you, then you cheating. But anyways I just really wanna make things right with him, not only for the sake of our child but for the sake of our friendship too. I'll be okay if we not together because I know he gone make a great father, a shitty boyfriend, but a great father. I still can't believe me, Tierra Woods is pregnant. I packed the last of my belongings in my Gucci bag then went to finish eating the rest of my fruit and chocolate pudding. I swear when this pregnancy is over imma be fat as fuck! All I crave for is sweet things. I propped my feet up on the table that sat in front of the couch and began watching the First 48. I was getting all into it when my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but I answered anyway and was greeted by an operator.

"Hello you have an collect call from an inmate in the Wayne county detention center, please note that three way call will result in an automatic disconnection of this call, this call will be recorded, if you accept the charged of this call dial one now" The operator said, I dialed one.

" Your call has been connected " said the operator.

" Hello? " I asked, curious to find out who this was calling me.

" What up, this Mea." My mouth almost dropped to the ground when I heard my twins voice. I missed her so fuckin much.

" Mea?" I asked like I was talking to a ghost.

" Yea bitch it's me, I only got four minutes so let's make this quick, So you know I appealed this case because I'm not guilty for shit! I go back to court four weeks from now to hear my sentencing, Joshua got me a real good lawyer so hopefully I can just bond out on that date which would be about $150,000." She said.

" Okay, that's real good news sis, so what you want me to do?" I questioned.

"I need you to bond me out!" she replied.

"Mea I don't think I'mma be able to do that" I said nonchalantly.

" Why not bitch?, I put my life on the line for yo ass!" She yelled. I let out a loud sigh and rubbed my free hand over my temple.

" it's complicated I don't even have time to explain it to you, why can't you just have Josh do it?" I replied.

" Because he said he ain't bout to get involved in it, if he come up here and they see his face, they locking his ass up too!" Mea said.

" Well what the fuck you think they gone do to me? They gone lock my ass up, I have a child on the way so I can't even have that" I replied, Mea laughed.

" Congratulations, You really are one selfish ass bitch, I got a child too, his name is Kamari and he yo nephew, did you think about him while you let me sit in here when you knew you should have turned yourself in? Or who was there for you helping you move yo nigga work so he wouldn't stay his ass in jail, that was all me Incase you forgot." Mea said. I began to feel my blood boil.

" Look, don't call me with no bull shit trying to make me look like the bad Guy, you already know how I get down Mea don't try to play me for some lame ass bitch, I'll figure something out for yo ass to get out" I replied.

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