:DNAL: Chapter Five

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He knew.

After four days at Entane he already knew what not even Journalist knew after two years. This concerned me more than anything I've ever seen before in my life.

"He knows, Claire, he knows." I stated, walking into the reception. After three years at Entane, Claire Donvacote and I have become best friends, and she is the only person I take down my emotionless mask to.

"He couldn't." Claire stated, as a reflex. Any time I become concerned, her immediate reaction is to deny everything I am saying. Quickly, she dropped her filing and sat down next to me.. 

"Of course he can, He's Frickin' Lucas Thame." I growled, frustrated. Claire visibly shivered at the mention of his name. I instantly relapsed.

"I'm sorry Claire I know-" Claire shook her head, cutting me off.

"It's okay, I shouldn't be scared because of his name." She said stiffly, but I knew I had upset her.

Two years ago, the first man to die (randomly) by Lucas' Reign of terror, was Brian Thoats, who was Claire's Fiancée, with one glimpse of his body, Claire has had nightmares, she had to box up all of his pictures, because every time she saw his face she was reminded of how he looked after the Lucas got his hands on him. She has forgotten how the love of her life looked. In his place is a memory of a Frankenstein creation. When I found out Lucas was here I had become excited, then I had become suspicious. Lucas was insane, but he also was a genius. I had a feeling there was a reason outside my competence that made the judge decide he was coming to Entane.

The truth was, I couldn't think the Lucas I had been talking to could do something like that. That was one of Lucas' strongest allies.

They say all the hot guys are either gay or taken. It was either that, or in a mental ward.

"Today as I was talking to him, he told me he knew." I said, sliding down to the floor and resting my head against the metal filing cabinet behind me. I felt Claire shift next to me.

"Did he say those words?" I opened my eyes, not realising they were closed until I had done so.

"Claire, He's a crazy killer, I'm his doctor. We don't use exact words to say anything." She smiled slightly and nodded, telling me I was catching the craziness. I sighed, and stood up.

"I guess I've got to go home, feed the cat. Night."

"Morgan." Claire called after me, I looked at her. "You don't have a cat." I smiled at her, laughing slightly at her confused and slightly worried face and left her to think I was going crazy.

I love it when I do that.

I have a thing, where I never park my car in Entane's Car park. I don't know why, but I have a paranoia that a crazy will escape and before anyone finds out he will be at the car park hot wiring a car, then his mentality will be leashed onto the world until we can track him down again.  Like I said; paranoid. Since Entane is surrounded by a forest, there is a nature walk car park 50 feet down the road. That is where I walk to every night. I had never been afraid of the dark, there wasn't much I had been afraid of since I started working at Entane, but for some reason, this night, I felt a chill run through my veins.

I hunched my back, and dragged my shoulders forward.

The subconscious mind always reverts to the foetal position when scared, I recited in my mind. Though if standing up, and in need of flight, the body creates a semi-foetal position, which is bringing all the limbs close to each other, creating an aerodynamic position as well as a sense of security. It's a classic sign of fear that I was promoting.

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