13. The Dinner.

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Juvia's POV :
I'm going to dinner tonight with Gray's family, I am very nervous because I have only met them a couple of times....He also wants me to wear something fancy but I don't have anything.
" Oh wait Juvia does !! Juvia has the dress that Gray bought her, perfect! "
" Hello ? Who is this ? "
" It's me Gray, It was to make sure you hadn't forgotten about tonight. "
" Oh ok...no Juvia hasn't forgotten , Juvia would never forget something like this ! " I said happily.
" Ok great ! See you tonight at 8, bye ! "
" Byeeee!!"

Ok, so :
- Outfit |
- Brushed teeth |
- Light Makeup |
- Hair |
- Not being nervous |❌❌❌❌❌❌

Timeskip to 8 PM :
" Hello Gray, have you come to pick Juvia up ?" My mum asked.
" Yes Madam Lockser. "
" Take care of her please Gray..."
" Of course"
" Thank you, she's upstairs, go ahead. "

Gray's POV :
I went upstairs to Juvia's room and knocked on her door, she opened it, and she was wearing the dress I had bought her, she looked stunning, I couldn't hold my smile in.
" Gray are you ok ? Why are smiling like that haha you look silly? " she asked jokingly.
" Y-you look beautiful..." I said, I could just feel my cheeks heating up.
" Thank you Gray, well you are the one who bought me this beautiful dress..shall we go ? "
" Oh yes ! " I said while making sure my hands weren't sweating.

Dinner :
We went into Beige, I took her hand and we walked to our table.
" I'm taking your hand so it looks like we are really dating, do you mind ? " I said while whispering into her ear.
" No Juvia doesn't mind..." She said while smiling at me.

Silver's POV ( Gray's Dad ) :
I was waiting for Gray and Juvia to arrive. They finally decided to show up, and they looked so happy together, I could see them getting married and having kids in the near future.
" Hello lovebirds ! "
" Hello M. and Mrs Fullbuster " Juvia said.
" You look amazing Juvia, remember call me Silver..." I could see how Gray was looking at Juvia, he looked in love.
" Thank you...M. er Silver. " she said with a smile.
« You really do look beautiful Juvia » said Mika (Grays mother)
" Please sit down you two. "

Juvia's POV :
Gray looked very handsome with is tux, I couldn't help but blush a little.
We arrived at the restaurant and his mum and dad were waiting for us, they were very kind to me.
" So Juvia how long have you guys been dating ? " he asked and I didn't know what to say and I looked at Gray.
" Dad. We have been dating for a couple weeks now. " Gray replied.
" So not that long, what are your favorite things about each other ? "
" Erm...Juvia likes Gray's heart..." I said hesitantly.
" Aww how cute! and you Gray ? " asked Mika.
" I like...I like Juvia's body, I MEAN SMILE, I like Juvia's smile" He said awkwardly.
We all started to laugh, even me. Because I had never seen him so awkward and embarrassed like this before ^^

Timeskip to after the dinner :
" Juvia would you like to sleep over, as we are nearer to our home than yours? " Silver asked.
" Yeah sure...thank you for offering" I replied back.
Gray drove me back to his house, and it was quite late because we all just chatted for so long, they didn't even mention about an arranged marriage so I guess it worked.

Make sure to read the next chapter to find out  what happens next.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy.


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