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Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

As she became aware of the vibrations of her phone on the bedside table, Y/N started to stir from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes until they could open without her squinting and reached for her phone. The brightness of the screen made her squint again but she read the time. 3:24 AM. The contact name read Stiles. Y/N tapped the green 'Accept' button and pressed the phone to her ear.

"Stiles? Do you know it's like three in the morning?" Y/N waited for a sarcastic remark from her boyfriend but instead heard rather labored breathing. She sat up in her bed, becoming worried.

"Stiles?" Y/N remembered how he has been sort of out of it for the past couple days. "Stiles, you okay?"

She heard him inhale deeply before speaking. "Y/N."

The sound of his voice calmed her a bit, but that fact that he was almost whispering still made her feel uneasy.

"Yes. Yeah, I'm here. Wh-what's wrong?"

"I-uh...I don't..." He hesitated every time he tried to make the words come out.

"Stiles, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."

She heard him take a deep breath, again. "Could-um...could you maybe just c-come?"

Y/N was already putting on a jacket to cover her shoulders and sliding her converse on her feet as she replied, "Of course. Yeah, I'll be right there." Y/N hung up the phone on the way out the door to her car.

The whole way to Stiles's house, all Y/N could think about was how this could have been her fault. She didn't know how, but she supposed those thoughts were just because she was paranoid. She just hoped that Stiles would finally be honest with her.

She absolutely hated that fact that, whatever it was he was going through, he thought he couldn't tell her. He was suppose to be able to tell her anything.

Y/N parked her car in front of Stiles's house, walked past the blue jeep named Rosco, and lifted her hand to knock on the door. When no one answered, Y/N turned the doorknob and found that the door was opened. She sighed, C'mon Stiles.

She entered the room and immediately made her way up the stairs. If Stiles didn't come to answer the door he was most likely in his bedroom.

"Stiles," Y/N started as she opened his bedroom door. "I know your dad is the Sheriff, but you should still lock your front-" She was cut off with a body crashing into hers, nearly knocking her over. Stiles wrapped his arms around her and she felt like the wind was knocked out of her for a second.

She returned the hug, not knowing what to say. He was breathing heavily and she was starting to get more worried. Y/N gently led him over to his bed and had him sit down. "What happened?"

Stiles swallowed nervously, but continued to look down. Y/N lifted her hand to the side of his face and turned him to look at her. "Stiles, I told you. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."

Stiles just looked at her for a moment. This was his girlfriend. One of the most important people in his life. It he couldn't tell her-

So he did. Stiles told her about the nightmares and lack of sleep and even how he's been having trouble reading. He had to admit, it felt good telling someone.

Y/N just sat there, looking at him with empathy. "I'm sorry, Stiles, I had no idea."

"Don't be." He took one for hands in his. "I should of told you."

"Well, I'm glad you did." Stiles began to look down again, but Y/N stopped him. "And, hey, we'll figure this out. Okay?"

Stiles gave a light smile and brought her forehead to his lips and hugged her. "Love you."

"Love you, too."

Losing Your Memory ▹ A Stiles Stilinski AUWhere stories live. Discover now