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He heard his name, but it was quite. As if someone way off in the distance was calling out to him.

Stiles. Louder this time. Closer.

"Stilinski!" The boy's last name seemed to jog him out of what trance he had apparently found himself in. He shook his head and watched the teacher standing before him.

Coach Bobby Finstock walked past the first three rows of desks belonging to the students taking his Economics class until he stood in front of the boy who called himself Stiles.

"You awake back here?"

Stiles stumbled over his words, "Uh...well....I-I am now," then gave a quick innocent smile up toward his teacher.

"Mmm hmm," Coach replied, sounding very unconvinced. He turned toward the two students sitting to the right of the Stilinski boy. "You two, keep him in check. I don't need him slacking off in class as much as he does on the field." This comment got a few giggles from his fellow classmates but as Stiles turned to the 'two' Coach was referring to, he saw faces filled with concern.

His best friend, Scott McCall, assured their teacher with a "Will do, Coach." Y/N, Stiles's girlfriend who also sat behind Scott, just looked at her boyfriend with worry.

"I'm okay, guys. I just zoned out." Hearing this, Scott decided to let it go and focus back on Coach's lesson recapping 'Risk and Reward'. However, Y/N wasn't so convinced.

She had noticed that Stiles had been a little off the past couple of days. Y/N was his girlfriend, after all, so she did spend a lot of time with him. She had asked him previously multiple times if he was okay but Stiles had just brushed her off saying that "It was nothing" or "I'm just tired". She knew her boyfriend better than that, though.

After Coach mistakably mentioned the pop quiz that he would hand out the next day, the bell rang.

"See you at lacrosse practice after school?" Scott asked his best friend as he started heading in the opposite direction.

Stiles replied with a mumbled "Yeah, probably." He got to his locker and started twisting in his combination when he realized that Y/N was standing by him. He sighed, "I told you Y/N. I'm fine."

She gave him a small smile, "I know. I heard you," but it quickly faded. "I also heard you the past five times I've asked you. It's just...you know you can tell me anything, right?"

Stiles looked up from his history book and saw that her eyes were still filled with concern, but there was something else there, too. Hurt. Stiles never thought that by not telling Y/N what was really going on with him that he was hurting her feelings. They have never had trouble telling the truth in the past. There weren't many secrets in their relationship, which was good, but Stiles wasn't sure if he wanted Y/N to know what was up with him yet. To be honest, he didn't really know, himself. Stiles just hoped his 'idea' was wrong.

Stiles took a breath, set his books back down in his locker, and rested his hands on Y/N's shoulders.  "I know. And I will."

Y/N scrunched up her eyebrows in an impatient manner. "But when? Is this something where you just...'need time' or-"

"Sure." Stiles thought this would be a good opportunity to stall for a while. "Yes," he said more certainly. He kissed her head lightly and grabbed his books, heading off to his history class.

Stiles was about ten feet away when Y/N spontaneously yelled, "I love you!" He turned around, smiled, and replied, "Love you, too!" He put his hand to his mouth and real eased it as if her was blowing her a kiss. Y/N caught the invisible kiss as Stiles turned the corner.

Y/N stood, now alone, in the hallway. All of the other students went to class as she thought, He's okay. He'll be fine.

Little did Y/N know that the phone call she would receive a few nights later would confirm her doubts.

A/N: So this chapter is not the best but I have to post something as the first chapter so this is it. Hope you all enjoy it and stay tuned 'cause it'll get better!


Losing Your Memory ▹ A Stiles Stilinski AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz