Request - Matt Donovan "We're all damaged somehow."

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You sighed when a pretty blonde girl wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Of course. Every time you saw a guy you liked, there would be some model calling dibs on him too. And of course, her dibs would outweigh yours, because girls in wheelchairs shouldn't try to date handsome strangers.

"Can I get you something else to drink?" The waitress leaned in a little and you shook your head.

"No, I'm gonna leave." You placed your hands on the bars of your wheels and twirled them around. For days you had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to talk to him, but you had waited too long. A couple of minutes too long, to be exact.


You looked over your shoulder and frowned your eyebrows.

"Are you leaving already? I was just gonna ask if I could come sit with you." The handsome stranger had his hands in the pockets of his jeans and he kept his back straight while he smiled a bright smile.

For the first time you noticed how blue his eyes actually were and you felt your heart skipping a beat in your chest. "You were gonna sit with me?" You raised your eyebrows and saw how the pretty blonde girl was staring at you.

"Yeah, I've noticed you were here every day and I wanted to get to know you a little." He shrugged his shoulders and held out his hand. "I'm Matt. Matt Donovan."

You grabbed his hand and shook it firmly. "(Y/N), it's nice to meet you." You bit your lip and carefully you rode yourself back to the table where you had been sitting the entire evening already, and yesterday evening and the evening before yesterday.

"I want another beer and get her whatever she is always having." With a smile Matt looked up at the waitress and she nodded before she walked away again. "I'm sorry I needed this long to talk to you." Matt raised his eyebrows a little, but he kept on smiling. "I'm not that good with words."

You didn't know what to answer for a moment. There was nothing to forgive. After all, you had not talked to him either, even though you had been sitting here for days watching him already. "It's fine." You swallowed and you were glad that the waitress came to put a glass of beer in front of him and a glass of soda in front of you.

"Cheers..." Matt took his glass and lifted it up and waited for you to do the same.

"Cheers..." You took a small sip before you placed your glass on the table again. "Thanks for taking the time to talk to a girl in a wheelchair." You bent your head. He was finally talking to you and you made this about the wheelchair already. Smart move. Not.

"You know, I don't really notice that wheelchair, okay?" Matt shrugged his shoulders. "We're all damaged somehow." He bent his head and swallowed. "But we're all beautiful somehow too."

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