Drabble - Theo Raeken "That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt."

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"Where the hell am I?" Theo pushed himself up. His hands were bleeding and his entire body was bruised. The last thing he remembered was the floor under his feet breaking. The last thing he remembered was falling down into the absolute nothing.

"Actually, you already gave the answer yourself." You leaned against one of the black walls, not caring about your clothes getting dirty. "Welcome in hell." You held out your hand and smiled while Theo tried to grab it, but you quickly pulled it back so he fell down on the floor another time. You threw your head in your neck while you laughed.

"How can I be in hell when I didn't even die?" Theo cocked his head and he pushed himself up once more. His lips were forming a straight line and he could feel the drops of blood rolling down the palms of his hands.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been hanging around with a hellhound." You winked and Theo frowned his eyebrows. You had seen boys like him before here in Hell.

Actually they were nothing but little puppies who had made a few mistakes too many. They didn't stand a chance here in hell between all the really bad guys, but they had to try anyway.

A part of you felt a little sorry for him. But the biggest part of you was simply amused. At least you wouldn't need to be afraid that you would be bored for the upcoming days. And you were certain that in a day or two someone new would arrive and you would be able to start the whole game once more.

"If I'm in hell and dead without dying. Then why does everything hurt this much?" Theo hissed between his teeth. His hands didn't stop bleeding and his entire skin colored a strange shade of green and blue.

"That's the thing about pain, Theo, it demands to be felt." You smiled a bright smile and shrugged your shoulders. "Here in hell we constantly feel all the pain we've inflicted on others. Don't worry. You'll get used to it." You paused for a short moment. "So, since I'm here to show you your new home, I'd say we should get started."

Theo frowned his eyebrows and swallowed. He had for sure been secure and confident while roaming the earth, but here in hell he was nothing, no one.

2016 August CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now