Request - Isaac Lahey "I only have one heart, and I'm saving it"

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You knew that you shouldn't take it personal. You knew that Isaac had been like this ever since Allison had died. You knew that he didn't talk to anyone else either. You knew that he didn't even talk to Scott.

But it still hurt. Months had passed ever since it had happened. Almost a year went by after that fatal fight with the Oni. Every season had started and ended and the memories had started to fade.

"Isaac..." You grabbed his hand, but he pulled it away again. You felt the tears burning in your eyes and swallowed a few times before you found the courage to open your mouth again. "Isaac, you can't keep living like this. I know that you've lost Allison and I know that nothing can bring her back, but she would want you to live."

Isaac bent his head and stared at his hands folded in his lap. He had beautiful blue yes, but you couldn't even remember the last time he had showed them to you. He had been avoiding your glance, he had been avoiding your touch, he had been avoiding you. Period.

"Why don't you let me help you to feel better? Why don't you let anyone help you? Why don't you even let Scott help you?" You whispered and for the first time in months, in almost a year, Isaac looked up.

A tear rolled down his cheek. "All the women I've loved disappeared or died." He bent his head again and he scratched the back of his neck. "My mom committed suicide when I was ten. Cora left town after she had almost died. Allison did die right after we started dating."

You frowned your eyebrows. Even though you were kind of glad that he had finally started talking, you had to admit that in a way you had expected him to say something else, something about Allison.

"Every time I lost one of them my heart broke a little." Isaac stared straight into your eyes and you leaned back in your chair. "And I only have one heart." He shrugged his shoulders. "And I'm saving it now." He paused for a short moment and you shook your head.

"Does saving your heart mean that Scott and I are not allowed to help you to get over Allison?" You cocked your head and Isaac licked his lips, clearly fighting against the tears he desperately needed to cry.

"I don't need help getting over Allison." Isaac took a deep breath and his fingers tapped the table. "I need help not falling in love with you, but nobody will understand that." He stood up from his seat and walked away.

If you had been able to move you would have stood up to go after him, but your entire body seemed frozen. The thought of Isaac being in love with you had never even crossed your mind, but you felt a shiver down your spine when you realized what he had actually been telling you.

He was afraid to love you, because he was afraid it would mean you would die.

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