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Ps. I love you



Dear Diary,

And still from this day I feel like the moon, all alone in the dark.

Of course I was depressed, it'd be silly if you couldn't tell because I can not hide it. I wish I could..

But I refuse to touch my blade, I don't want to cause anymore pain though people say it decreases it. I'm not so sure.

I'm not so sure about anything really...

Ps. I love you


I had awoken in the morning but nearly afternoon, the clock beside me read, 11:56.

Why did I wake so late? I ask myself.

I look to my opposite side to see Harry still asleep.

I gently wake him up by tracing my finger around his body as he starts to wiggle around a bit.

"Harry." I whisper into his ear.

"Avery." He rolls onto his side and kisses me on the nose.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him.

"I'm feeling like you need to lay with me for a moment." Harry pauses.

"Just lay with me. Please."

I nod and move around to find which position I'm most comfortable with and I always know it's in Harry's arms.

"Thank you." He breathes.

"You're welcome." I whisper as I listen to his lungs settle into the rhythm of sleep.

Harry woke up and had told me why he loved me and I wondered why he was feeling more affectionate then usual.

He told me,

Avery Grace, you are beautiful and I find it ironic how you don't feel as if you are beautiful one bit but every single bit of you is beautiful.

Every time I tell you you're beautiful you shake your head in disagreement but that what gives me a better chance to say it more, since you don't believe it. But I really wish you did believe it Avery Grace because it is the truth. Everything I tell you is the truth. I would never lie to such a beautiful person. You know what Avery, you don't think you're beautiful but guess what! You're being beautiful right now and you know how? You're being yourself and being yourself is beautiful. Therefore, you, Avery Grace are beautiful. Ps. I love you.

As I wondered even more as to why he was telling me this so I put in the effort to ask him.

"Harry," I said. "Why are you telling me this?"

"I want you to know how much I love you Avery. But not only do I want you to know how much I love you I want you to know why I love you. Loving someone isn't love if it doesn't have a reason."

"You think that I don't think that I'm beautiful but I don't have to think I look beautiful, because I feel beautiful Harry. You make me feel beautiful." At this moment his arms were around me and mine around him.

"Never let me go." I said in my head because I knew he wouldn't anyway. I would be wasting my breath.

Why would I waste my breathe on something that doesn't need saying when I can say, I love you.

"I love you." I told him and he told me exactly that in return.



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