part 3

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Meghann was too far gone to resist as the gorgeous man pulled her farther under the surface, and she was mildly surprised that she was no longer burning for air. She thought perhaps this was her version of heaven, in the water she had loved for so long. Relaxing into the man’s strong arms, she allowed herself to be carried away.

Meghann’s head lolled back on her neck as she went completely numb, and she registered little at first as she felt warmth at her lips. The persistent pressure there forced her to open her eyes and she found she was staring into a beautiful pair of seafoam green eyes, and they belonged to a mouth that was pressing her to open her lips to what she could only assume was a kiss.

Her gut instinct was to resist, but the shell in her pocket was warmer than ever, and a compulsion in her mind told her to open up. Reluctantly, she parted her lips and was suddenly filled with a deep breath of air, allowing her to come more to her senses.

The man who held her so closely to his bare chest was staring at her with deep concern etched across his brow. Meghann realized they were deep under water, but she was not feeling the horrendous effects of pressure that she should. She began to look around at her surroundings and found that they were on the floor of the sea, surrounded by all manner of ocean life. What she was most shocked to see were what appeared to be structures spaced around them. They looked like submarine houses, with windows and patterns etched into their rounded surfaces.

Meghann’s perusal brought her back to the man holding her in his arms. As she pushed back slightly from him, she began to notice that he was not just a man. From the waist up, he was built like any red-blooded girl’s fantasy man, but from low belly down, he had scales, and fins, and a tail. A TAIL? Meghann jerked away from him, shocked at what she was seeing.

She continued her scrutiny, starting back at his glorious mane of golden hair that waved slowly in the water, then to his finely chiseled face with soft full lips, on to his wide muscular shoulders, chest and arms. He was still holding onto her hands, not allowing her to pull more than arm’s length away from him, but Meghann was able to get the full effect of this very male—fish? Mermaid? ‘What the hell, did Seth slip me something? I have to be dreaming.’ Meghann thought.

Merman’ came clearly into her brain, but in a masculine voice.

Meghann swallowed, and followed the flat abs down to where his tail started. Two ventral fins did little to hide the fact that he was very male, and as he turned holding onto one of her hands pulling her after him, Meghann noticed that he had a spectacular dorsal fin that started about mid to low back and ran part of the way down his back side, and his tail ended in powerful tail fins, shaped like those of a dolphin. The skin of his body was shimmery and golden, while his fish body was a myriad of colors that merged to create a blue gray cast to his tail. Meghann was pulled along rapidly toward one of the structures. She let out all the air in her lungs as he pulled her suddenly straight down and under it.

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