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This isn't perfect
So you can shut up

Kyrie Eleison - Latin for "lord have mercy"


I fell asleep next to my fragile window
Thinking about you and, the memories in my heart
I am so lonely now, broken inside and out
But I told myself that I would write you -
A gentle song about you and our memories
I will always write these songs, making the lyrics I, will always write these songs by my lonesome self

Oh, won't you God?
Why won't you hear my one and only fragile wish?
And also God-
Why won't you listen to my new-found selfishness?
And also God-

I am wrapped by the sadness that is consuming me
But it will soon turn to that fragile wish
My agony is swallowing me whole now I see
That I will, soon come to pity myself
I can not, forget about you even if you are far away now
And I can not, forget about you, even if you are so far away that it kills me now

I fell asleep next to my fragile window
Thinking about you and, the memories in my heart
I remembered that gentle melody, the one we used to sing
And how it used to be, so sorrowful for me

Oh, won't you God?
Why won't you hear my one and only fragile wish?
And also God-
Why won't you listen to my new-found selfishness?
And also God-

A pathetic song echoed through the walls of my heart
And I cursed myself for this lonely fate
I am beyond the emotion they call pity
But maybe I will come to pity myself
I can not, forget about you even if you are far away now
And I can not forget about you, even if you are so far away that it kills me now

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