2P! ENGLAND X OC X OC He's Mine!

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Oliver x my OC's Mikeal and Marcus who are already a couple...

Brace yourself

Cos' Oliver has a thing Mikeal..


And quite frankly, Marcus ain't havin' that shit

OHHH and cursing for days comes from Marcus XD


Character intro-

Mikeal Adrississ - Pink hair, bright blue eyes. Yandere. Big time. Reads manga like there's no tomorrow.

Marcus Elliot - Long green hair, green eyes. Protective, stubborn, keeps to self. Bookworm. Freckles.

Both vampires.

And cousins.


That's incest!

But idgaf~~


"Hey Mikeal, what are you doing for dinner...?" Marcus speaks up, and looks to his lover on the other side of the couch.

"Hm? Oh, I invited Oliver over, and he's bringing something." Mikeal looks back at his book. Marcus flinched at Oliver's name.

To be honest he doesn't care for him. But ever since he's met Oliver, he's noticed something. He was always flirting with Mikeal. Not gentle, friendly flirting, oh no, he full on flirts. And it drives him crazy.

"Did you have to invite him of all people...?" Marcus deadpans. Mikeal glares at him.

"Look I know you don't like him, but please, try to behave yourself tonight." He looks once again back down to his book.

"Well you understand why I don't like him right...?" He mumbles. Mikeal shakes his head.

"Kinda. But whatever the reason, you need to get over it. Just for tonight even." He says not looking away from his book. Marcus sighs.

"Whatever. If he doesn't try to pull anything." He grunts.

------- ABOUT AN HOUR PASSES ------

There is a knock at the door. Mikeal gets up and goes to open the door, and is greeted by Oliver sweetly. He hugs him immediately.

"It's been a while! How are you?~" He squeezes him tight.

"I- I'm fine... how are you?" He stutters. Oliver smiles.

"Fabulous!" He looks to Marcus, who made unhappy eye contact.

"How are you? Marcus?" Marcus grunts.

"Fine." He turns away. Mikeal sighs.

"Well I brought some lasagna!" He runs back out to his car, and brings it in. He goes to the kitchen and sits it down on the counter.

"Come on Marcus, I know you haven't eaten all day." Mikeal shouts to Marcus from the kitchen. Marcus sighs and walks into the kitchen to see the two men laughing and carrying on. It made him sick to his stomach.

"Here I got you a piece, here." Mikeal hands him a piece and Marcus only takes it and sits at the table in the dining room. Oliver looks over to him, then back at Mikeal.

"Is he ok? He looks upset." He says, delirious to the situation.

"Yes. He's alright. He's always in a bad mood." Both the men start to laugh. Marcus grunts under his breath. He didn't want to eat. Really. Something Oliver made can be bad for your health. Even a vampires.

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