Rail Fence 101

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This is a quite cool code (alliteration, ha.) that I found on the Internet. I really like this one, here's a picture.

 I really like this one, here's a picture

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How to use-

Step 1-
Read diagonally (down and to the right.)
Step 2-
Read diagonally again. (Up and to the right)
Step 3-

The code above says "We are discovered. Flee at once.

Like I said, this is one of my top ciphers. It's different. But, I see a major flaw with this mode of encryption- it's is FAR too easy to decipher! It's not at all secure! Maybe that could be fixed by first using another cipher to encode the letters? Perhaps a Vigenere? That could make things interesting...

Thanks for reading! I'll be publishing some more codes later today, probably. Provided I can find some that are simple enough. But until then, bye.

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