Happy ending (17)

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SHIT OMFG ITS LAST*CRYING* this story has gained for than 1K readers guys I love you allllllll❤️❤️❤️Thankyou so much :) this story meant a lot and this really kind off happend in reality Thankyou so much :)I'll miss writting altough I'm not good at it..but I've tried and i love sharing my ideas :)#ENJOYLASTCHAPTER -Zarah


Harry and I finally reached the carnival

Kira POV

When we reached the carnival, the first thing I wanted to do was to win a stuffed animal. Harry and I stayed in the corner.

"I'll be back I'll just buy us some drinks," Harry said, "Ok, sure i'll wait go ahead." I replied.

5 minutes later

Harry wasn't here yet, so I finished playing with my iphone5S subway surfer. Afterwards, I heard some noises. I turned around to see I was surrounded by 3 drunkards. I could smell the alchohol in their breaths. "Look w-who's here," Said a guy from the group. I was freaking out, so I kept stepping backwards, until I hit the wall. "Leave me alone!" I yelled at them "Not until we have some fun baby," the drunk guy said, while throwing his bottle away.....the 2 guy holded my hands on the wall while the other guy was coming forward....I bite his hand and tried to shout..."HEEELPP SOMEONE HELP ME PL--"I shouted half words......


I was only a meters away from the corner until u heard someone shouting for help....I felt it was Kira....I dripped the 2 coffee...and ran fast.....

When I reached the corner...3 drunk guys were trying to hurt Kira.....my anger turned hell fire....

I punched,kicked,punched,kicked...they could barely breath I couldn't stop punching them..."Harry stop it's ok I'm fine lets just leave"Kira said...helping me up....

After a while....we ride the whole carnival..until we were passing by a stuffed animals winning thing.....I was talking talking....until I noticed Kira's attention was on the fluffy stuffed kitten...."let's go"I said & grabbed her hand towards the stuffed animals place......

"Hey"I greeted the girl...

"OMG harry styles"she was a fan...

"Oh hahha can I play one of this"I replied

"Yeah afcourse since I'm a fan I'll give you free playing and please sign my arm Harry"she started fangirling....

I had to get 3 balls hitten inside the bowl...I tried my best and so I did....

"Ok Harry which stuffed animal do you want"the girl asked...I turned around to Kira..."which one do you want babe?"I asked her smirking......"she punched my arm..."you know which one"she said quietly.....

"Can u have the kitten please"I said it I the girl....."thanks"I replied...

"Here"I gave Kira her kitten....."umm thanks Harry"she replied in a shy tone...I smiled at her expression...

Then we walked all way at top of mountain...

Kira POV.

We walked all way at top of mountain..."wow it feel like were on top of the world"I said feeling the cold air...Harry smiled exposing his dimples.."WHAT what are you smiling at"I asked him..."I like that it's "WERE" instead of only you"he replied...I heated up..I could feel I was blushing I turned around...

7 min later.."thanks Harry for tonight it was great"I started a conv....

"So your not mad at me right"Harry said contacting eyes with me..."well..I can't really stay mad at you..caz it's really hard to....I know you love cara but I still do love you...and I'll always do..you know when you love to much you get hurt that much to..I know you move on and your with cara but Harry thanks for showing me how it feels to love someone so much and how love is it was really fun. With you----"I cried at the middle of my words...I couldn't stop the tears...I just closed my eyes head down..after a sec Harry came...and hugged me..."how dare you"he said..."I take one step away then I find myself coming back to you"Harry started singing my favorite song...."my one and only one and only you"we both Sanged together....

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