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I wanted to add the song and that's how Rosie looks like except the hair has brown strands....

Rosie's POV

Where should I hide? Where SHOULD I HIDE! Oh no, he is gonna find.. He's gonna find me.. GET IT TOGETHER ROSIE! Okay, ill be calm. 

As I was looking for a hiding place, i saw a tree. That is a perfect place to hide so I climbed up the tree. As soon as I did, I felt that Kakashi sensed me climbing the tree because he was walking right near me. All of a sudden, Guy sensai pops out of no where. I gasped in happiness. Guy sensai is the best . I'll have to thank him later.

Guy quickly runs to me and gives me a towel in my grasp. I nodded in thanks.

After Guy gave me the towel -which i really appreciate- , he turned to kakashi and said to him, "Me and you duel right now!" He yelled.

I quickly ran to the leaf village on a guess and somehow ran in the Hokage's office. Sh*t! Why do I go to the most problems that could be avoided with a turn. "Hokage sama, can I live in this village and become a ninja?" I asked. He replied with a nod and a nose bleed. Then as quickly as he could, he put his hand over his nose to stop the bleeding.Dang it, I was only covering my back with the towel. I left the hokages office in a hurry.

Ok, the first thing we need is clothes. Ya clothes.

*Why do I usually give boys a nose bleed when I walk into a room. Sure I'm hot, even boys at school got nose bleeds.*

Bad day for me, I guess. *sigh*

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