Dan and Phil

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I entered the bathroom not feeling good at all. After I finished my 'business' i turned the sink on and started to wash my hands. I glanced in the mirror and out of the corner of my eye I saw that blonde girl standing behind me which made me jump. She had on an evil grin. She stepped forward which made me back up until I hit the wall.

"What were you doing with my sweet Calvin?" The girl whispered in a dark voice.

"H-he's just my friend calm down." I stuttered with fear in my eyes. She stepped closer and pulled up the collar of my shirt.

"Do you know who I am?" I opened my mouth but no words came out. "I'm Whitney Wisconsin idiot!" She yelled at my face. Whitney tightened her grip on my shirt and threw me to the floor. "This is your last warning." Whitney flipped her hair and walked out of the bathroom with no fucks given. I laid on the floor thinking about what just happened when I heard a person coming closer.

"Blaire wtf happened to you!" Lia screamed while helping me up. There where bruises on my chest and forearms. I told Lia what happened as we sat on the bathroom floor leaning against the wall.

"Ugh Whitney, that stupid bitch..." I heard Lia mumble under her breath. I frowned and stared at the floor. Lia looked at me with a regretful face.

"So um..." I said quickly changing the subject. "Where did the boys go?"

"They had to make video since its been 5 days since they last uploaded, but I told them we would hang out." Lia smiled but that smile changed to a frown. "Hey... I know what would make you feel better." I looked at her confused.

She led me to a hotel room with the numbers 385. Lia knocked softly on the door.

'What the hell Phil you can't answer the door with a mouth full of pancake!' yelled a faint person from the inside of the room. The door slowly opened reveling a guy wearing all black with dark brown hair. I immediately recognized him. The expression on his face quickly changed into a smile.

"Hello Lia come in! Oh and you to!" Dan told us. The dorm was all sorts of colors with many video games and anime posters. Another tall guy with black hair came out of kitchen with syrup all over his mouth. Dan looked at him with disappointment and gave himself a mental face palm. "Phil we talked about this." Phil walked back to the kitchen rethinking his life decisions.

Since we were all YouTubers we decided to make a video. Dan pressed record on the camera. "Hello Internet andddd welcome to Dan and Phil games! Today we have special guests.... sssniperwolf annnnnd Wolfe!!!" Dan said enthusiastically. We played Mario cart 8 for the whole time of recording. By the time we were done recording it was 4:00pm which met I had to go. We said goodbye and I walked back to my dorm in silents.

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