Chloé Gets Suspicious

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"I'm telling you! There's something really suspicious and fishy about Lila!" Chloé insisted. 

The class stared at her in confusion.

It was breaktime and the class were gathered around the bench. Well, all except Lila, she was nowhere to be found.

"You have to believe me!" Chloé cried.

Marinette folded her arms thoughtfully. Chloé was always quick to judge but past events suggest she is right.

"Fine, Chloé, what is it? What is she up to?" Marinette asked.

The class stare at Marinette in shock. Chloé brightened up at Marinette's solemn face. Somebody finally listened to her! She was about to pour out the story of Lila being Volpina but figured that being a superheroine meant not revealing too much. Feeling defeated, she tried to find the words.

"I think that Lila has seemed really strange recently and we should team up to figure it out!" Chloé called out.

There were cheers in this.

"Definitely!" Alya called. "Lila is horrible! She's such a thieving liar!"

Marinette felt uncomfortable. Usually, Ladybug fixed everything and Tikki would give some was time she did it herself! Ladybug has given her so much confidence, after all.

"Stop! Lila might have done a horrible thing, but I think that we all make mistakes! In fact, Ladybug has as well!" Marinette put out.

Everyone stare at her astonishment before Chloé spoke out.

"How dare you say that about my idol! She's incredible!" Chloé hissed.

"Chloé, people aren't perfect, we all make've caused a lot of akumas, I've caused one...Gamer, I mean Ladybug's caused a lot of akumas too..." Marinette began.

"So has Chat!" Adrien put in.

Marinette couldn't help but smile at the support she was getting.

"Name at least 2 akumas she's caused!" Chloé snapped.

Marinette began to count on her fingers. "That's easy, there was Volpina and Gam-I mean Antibug!"

Chloé humphed at her defeat. "Fine, she has caused a few, but she fixed it up!"

"Exactly!" Marinette added. "And we should get Lila to fix those mistakes too!"

"It would be nice to apologise to Ladybug right? But she isn't coming back...right?" Max started.

Marinette went red. "I'm gonna go talk to Lila, Chloé, you discuss your suspicions!"

Chloé nodded seriously before Marinette rushed off to find Lila.

Everyone turned back to Chloé.

"Okay, here's the thing, I think Lila knows Ladybug and Chat's identities!" Chloé began.

Adrien's face went pale. Did Chloé know too?

"What makes you say that?" Alya asked.

"When you have a secret you get all excited, I should know," Chloé said wisely. "So when I saw Lila deep in thought and smiling, I knew something was up!"

"That's sounds reasonable for once," Alix said in a bored tone.

"Chloé has a point, but secrets don't stay in forever! What could Lila possibly be hiding?" Mylene asked.

"I already told you! Ladybug and Chat's identities!" Chloé snapped.

The others were still doubtful though.


"Liiila!" Marinette called cupping her hands around her mouth. "Lila! Can I talk to you?"

"What do YOU want?" asked a familiar voice. 

"Lila!" Marinette said excited, then turned serious. "You know...don't you?"

Lila hissed like a snake. A pencil in her hand and a notebook visible in her pocket. 

"Why do you think I've been so cold toward you?"

Marinette figured it was rhetorical and kept her mouth shut.

"Listen, Ladybug, its simple, gimme back the fox miraculous or-"

"Or what?" Marinette snapped. "You have no proof!"

Lila gripped the pencil and snapped it. "You'll be sorry Marinette! You WILL give me back the fox miraculous and when you do, you'll apologise a hundred times!"

"Dream on Lila!" Marinette called as the brown-haired girl stormed off. "Queen Bee will stop you for sure!"

In return was the unmistakable cackle.


"So Ms Bustier..." Lila began fisting the table. "Do we have a deal?"

Ms Bustier stared at the girl emotionless then nodded.

"I know I need my job Lila. Oh how I hate this...very well...when? When do you want to tell the class?" Ms Bustier swallowed hard and began.

A smile crept into the girls lips.


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