Chapter 9: Together Again

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I own nothing


Chapter 9: Their Story

Angela POV

For the next 15 minutes, our entertainment was watching Jason in a raging fury, tearing up everything in his path like a bull who had just been poked with a stick. Most of the casualties were small vases, and though usually that would warrant a slow and agonizing choke hold from Silvia, we were just feeling too helpless to care. Could you blame us? Our friend was about to be taken from us forever.

"He guys! Come over here!" Silvia called to us. We walked over to her.

"If it's not a way out, don't bother Siv," Jason growled.

"Look, I've translated the story of (Y/N)'s past life with the Pharaoh. Maybe knowing more about their relationship will help,"

"It's worth a shot," I agreed.

"According to the writings, she was a wanderer, she went wherever the wind took her, and never chose to settle down. She was also always accompanied by a small white animal and a horse. They met when she strolled into town on a whim and ended up saving him from a group of assassins,"

"Assassins?" Mason asked.

"He apparently inherited many enemies from the pervious pharaoh's actions. It doesn't explain what happened, but it must've been bad. After she rescued him, he allowed her to live in the palace as a body guard and a friend. She used her ability to locate treasures to help find thieves and villains and they went on many adventures. Eventually, they fell in love,"

"That's so sweet!" I stated.

"A pharaoh falling for a commoner? Unheard off," Mason said.

"And a likely foreigner no less," Mason added.

"He didn't care, he loved her more than anything. He was willing to lay down his life for her and he almost did on many occasions. And she did the same. After they were married, they spent their time making Egypt a better place for everyone. The people loved their rulers and there was a great celebration when they found out she was pregnant,"

"We know how the story ends: she died giving birth and he vowed to find her again," Jason muttered.

"Not according to this," we all stared at her.

"Come again?" I asked.

"According to the hieroglyphs, during the childbirth, the drinking water was poisoned and she used what little energy she had left to save their child,"

"But Shadi told us she died of childbirth," Mason pondered.

"Yeah, well he told us a lot of things," Jason retorted.

"So, everyone believed she had died in childbirth, but in reality, she was assassinated. So that's what Shadi meant before," Mason stated.

"They must be trying to reverse that accident. That's why the pharaoh is gonna take (Y/N)," I added.

"That still doesn't help us! We're stuck down here and that spirit is gonna carry off our best friend! And there's not a damn thing we can do to stop it!" Jason screamed, punching the spikes imprisoning us. Mason looked at the glyphs again.

"From what I can tell, they have to cross before midnight. After that, the gate of time will close and they'll have to wait for another eclipse,"

"So if we get out of here, we have to find a way to stall them for an hour. They'll probably knock (Y/N) unconscious," Silvia deduced.

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