Chapter 6 Conflicting Ideologies

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I own nothing

Chapter 6: Loyal Servant


I woke up with the feeling of absent warmth around me. While I hadn't had a dream about my mysterious deceased secret admirer, I had heard his voice and felt his body next to mine the entire the night. I honestly didn't know what to make of this anymore. After getting dress (all the while having this feeling of eyes watching me) and performing basic morning task, I went down to the lobby to have breakfast with my team and discuss our theories on the tomb's hidden alter.

"It's a tribute to Ra,"

"It's a sacrifice to bring back the moon and light up the night sky!"

"Ok, ok, Silvia and Mason, both are very good theories. Let's just wait until the eclipse and then investigate," I butted in. They both muttered in annoyance while Angie giggled. As we continued our morning, Professor Nelson approached us.

"Good morning Domino squad!"

"Don't call us old man," Mason stated, not even taking his eyes off his book. (When had he gotten into my Tiger Curse collection?) Nelson sweat dropped.

"Of course. Ms. (L/N), the Egyptian fellow who recommended you and your group is in the lobby," I smiled.

"Thank you professor! You guys go ahead to the tomb, I'll catch up," the gang nodded and headed out while I headed towards the lobby with Nelson. A peculiar fellow with golden eyes, dark skin, and clothed in a white robe stood near the back.

"That him?"

"Indeed," I made my way over to the fellow and bowed respectively.

"Good morning sir," he smiled kindly.

"It's an honor to meet you Professor (L/N),"

"So you're the man who had me and my team moved out here. I should thank you know Mr...?"

"Shadi. I had heard of your expeditions before and how you would always respect the wishes of the native people before your fellow scientists. I knew you would respect the secrets and treasures of the tomb,"

"You flatter me. So, do you know about the Pharaoh buried in the tomb?"

"Yes, the Pharaoh who died of a broken heart,"

"'Broken heart?'"

"Yes, his wife gave birth to their first and only son, then died in his arms. The only reason he went on was to raise their child. Once the boy became a man, he died in order to rejoin her," My brain began to shift as I heard of the Pharaoh's son. Though Shadi had not given a name, I felt it on my lips.


"Hm? Yes, that was the boy's name. How do you know it?"

"Oh, I've always wanted a son named Leo," and for a second, a smirk appeared then disappeared on his face. For unknown reasons, I felt he had a different reason for summoning me here.

"That bracelet around your wrist," He lifted my hand in order to get a better view. "A treasure of the Pharaoh's perhaps?"

"Yes, unfortunately, my carelessness has led to it being stuck to my wrist,"

"I'm sure it will come off in due time, my lady,"

"My lady?"

"Just a form of respect,"

"Please Shadi, I'm only 23, call me (Y/N),"

"Of course,"

"Would you like to join us at the dig? I'm sure you could reprimand us if we are doing anything disrespectful," He laughed.

"Of course. It would be an honor,"

Pharaoh's POV

Shadi is proving himself to be quite useful. I managed to now stay hidden in his shadow so I may spy upon my queen without her noticing, since my form is becoming more physical so it is hard for me to remain invisible to her. Now that he has gained access to her group, he can secretly prepare the alter for the ritual without them noticing. Thank the gods he had all the spices and items tucked away in that robe of his. Once the preparations np were made, he'd lead the others down into a deeper part of my tomb and hold them there until the ceremony was complete. The only problem came in convincing my Queen to separating from the group. Though I hated the idea, if it came down to it, I could render her unconscious and preform the ceremony on her. But until then, I would just keep an eye on both her and her comrades.

Don't worry (E/N), we'll be together again soon.

Angie POV

(Y/N) joined us in the tomb with a man she introduced as Shadi. Apparently he was the one to thank for our sudden trip.

"I see, so our reputation is so grand it proceeds us," Jason exclaimed with a smug look. As if his ego weren't big enough.

"Actually, I am only familiar with Ms. (L/N)'s work,"

"Oh," I shouldn't have enjoyed that as much as I did. Mason seemed to have the same opinion.

"So if we're done inflating egos, can we please get back to work?"

"Whatever brother," we laughed and continued our work until lunch. Over a plate of traditional Japanese food, curtesy of Silvia, we began to cross-examine the theory of the pharaoh's identity.

"So, basically, this dude decides to kill over just because one of probably dozens of his wives dies in childbirth? Doesn't seem realistic," Jason said in a matter of fact tone.

"I agree. Why would this mistress pose any importance to the pharaoh to hat he would die without her?" Silvia chimed in. Shadi looked quite offended.

"How dare you! This pharaoh had but one queen, the woman he loved. It is said she rode in on a stray wind and was just as elusive. Her death was a knife to his heart!"

"Please, pharaoh's never married for love. It's all political power and reproducing," Mason stated. (Y/N) threw her rolls at them.

"You guys are terrible! You don't think a guy could die from a broken heart after the love of his life gives her own to deliver his child?"

"No, he can. Just not an Egyptian Pharaoh who was basically God and could have any woman he wanted," Jason rebutted. I groaned.

"Please forgive them Shadi. They've never had much taste for romance,"

"It is not my offense to take, but the spirit of the pharaoh himself," Just as he said this, Jason, Mason, and Silvia all had their faces smashed into their main courses. (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

"First you denounce a better love story than Twilight, and now you have to go and act like animals in front of our guess,"

"Excuse us for having our faces forced down by a murderous ghost!" Mason growled.

"So you believe in ghost before you believe in dying of a broken heart?"

"Yes" (Y/N) sighed.

"You're hopeless," as this whole scene played out, I could feel a game of contempt looming over us.

Pharaoh POV

It's like this idiot wants me to hurt him! How dare they compare my (E/N) to some prostitute and me as some power hungry old man! I swear, I am half tempted to ask Shadi to keep them locked in. The tomb when this is all over.

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