Chapter 7: Final Warning

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I own nothing

Chapter 7: Spirit's Inferno


Another long day of searching and researching and with no results once again. We were growing desperate. Tonight the eclipse was to occur, at midnight granted, but still, time was against us all. Shadi had been trying so very hard to help, but even he had limits in a tomb sealed for over 5000 years. Oral tradition is after all the most unreliable method of remembering history. I plopped down next to the others who were sitting around the alter, my patience and wit all but worn out.

"I'm starting to think this place isn't gonna reveal anything until that eclipse happens,"

"I've actual discussed the eclipse with some scientist this morning, and the eclipse is actually going to last a record breaking hour!" Silvia informed us. Jason grunted.

"So we don't have to scramble to quickly to find answers,"

"We'll still have to work pretty quickly if we are to figure out this room's purpose. That is if it even does anything during the eclipse!" Mason pointed out.

"I'm sure something will happen, Egyptians do love creating complicated masterpieces," Angela said, still in awe of the chamber. Shadi smiled.

"I thank you for your high opinion of my people, Ms. Angela," Jason leaned back.

"Not just her, our whole lively hoods are based on being fascinated by your ancient culture," Shadi's smile began to vanish.

"Not all members of your profession respect our art and culture,"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"There are those who only use the idea of discovering secrets of the past as a means to obtaining earthly possessions, such as fame and fortune,"

"I don't like how you suddenly turn the conversation in that direction the moment I began speaking," Jason stood up, obviously agitated.

"No offense Mr. Jason, but you seem the least scientifically trained of this group and your temper leaves me to wonder how many fights you've started on sight,"

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Mason and Silvia jumped up and held Jason back. I coughed to get their attention.

"Jason, you do have temper which has gotten us in trouble before. Please try to keep it under control," He grumbled but agreed. I then turned to Shadi.

"Having said that, Shadi, I would appreciate you not insulting my team. Jason is just as equipped to study these artifacts and sites as the rest of us,"

"Well.." Mason started before Angie gracefully stomped on his foot. Shadi bowed.

"Forgive me, I shouldn't have gone as far as I did,"

"All is forgiven," Silvia said. "Right Jay?"

"....fine," I smiled.

"Well now that's settled, let's continue our research. I'm sure there's something we missed,"

Everyone groaned simultaneously and resumed their examinations of the chamber. After another hour, Jason shot up.

"That's it! I'm done! There is nothing left for us to find!"

"Not very professional of you, Mr. Jason," Shadi murmured under his breath. Jason looked at him in a rage once again. Perhaps heat and exhaustion was getting to him.

"I've also had enough of you! You claim to be here to assist us but all you've done is spout condescending nonsense behind all but (Y/N)'s back!" He grabbed Shadi by the collar.

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