Chapter 29: The Prep

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Hermione's POV

"Why the hell are they in the same bed?" A familiar red-headed voice sounded from in the room.

I stirred from the noise, but tried not to wake Draco, who was still next to me.

"I have no idea," another voice said, "But it would probably be best if we went and woke up Ginny instead of these two."

It was Harry and Ron. I groaned silently. That's right, I thought, they were coming early, but I didn't think it'd be this early.

Wait, what time is it?

I brought my wrist closer to my face to read my watch. Merlin, it's noon!

I nudged Draco. He only rolled over in response. "Draco," I said, my voice startling the other two in the room.

He only groaned in response. For Melin's sake.

I nudged him again, but harder. "What?" He said, face buried in a pillow.

I tilted my head up a little bit to see around. "Harry and Ron are here," I said, knowing that would get him right up.

He sat up immediately, and in turn I dropped my head back down onto my pillow. But as soon as he was up and saw the two intruders who were making sure to keep a safe distance from this bed, he groaned again and fell back down beside me. "What are Potty and Weasel doing here?" He asked me, turning his face to look at mine.

"I have no idea," I started.

"You know we're still standing here, right?" Harry asked jokingly.

Draco sat up again. "Why are you here?" He asked them bluntly.

"Ginny told us you'd both be in here. I have no idea why Mione is with you, though."

"It's not exactly spacial physics, Weasel," was Draco's reply.

"What!" Ron exclaimed, becoming slightly red in the face.

I elbowed Draco a third time, and sat up in the bed. Ron seemed to cool a bit when he saw that I was fully clothed.

Draco put his arms around me, and I went to stand up but he wouldn't let go. "Draco," I said sternly, not looking at him, "Let go of me."

"I don't think so," was all he said.

"I still have my wand on me, you know."

At this Harry laughed and Ron smirked, but Draco still didn't move. "No you don't," he interrupted, smirking, "It's on the nightstand still."

I groaned. "Harry, your wand?" I asked him, holding out a hand.

Harry stepped forward, more than willing to give me a weapon to use, but Draco let go. "You win," he mumbled.

I sighed. "Let's go guys, Draco you stay here. Get dressed, too."

He fell back onto the bed, throwing a pillow over his face. I led Harry and Ron back into me and Ginny's room, and sure enough she was still asleep. "This girl could sleep the whole day away," I joked, "You best not get too close."

Ron and Harry waited behind while I approached the sleeping Ginny. "Gin," I started quiet, but then got louder, "Gin! It's past noon, get up!"

She didn't wake, only rolled over the other way. "Ginny," I continued, "The ball is in seven hours, you're wasting time!"

At this she bolted upright, and I wasn't surprised. "The ball!" She exclaimed, and I laughed.

"Yes," I replied, "So get up and get dressed, we already missed two meals, so why don't you hurry and I can ask Peaches to bring Draco and us some food, K?"

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