Chapter 24: The Weasley's

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"Here you are," Mrs. Malfoy repeated, and sighed, "And I'm glad you are. I was actually hoping that Draco wouldn't inherit my Veela blood, especially because of his father."

I smiled and nodded, asking her to continue. I wanted to ask her why Mr. Malfoy couldn't know about his wife and son's blood, but I didn't want to pry.

"I'm so proud of him," she continued, looking out one of the windows, "I hope you'll understand that he only wants the best for you, Hermione, against what he's... been like in the past. I can say from experience that he only wants you to be happy," she sighed again happily, continuing to watch the view out in the yard, "And once you're both happy, it's incredible."

I didn't answer, but continued staring at the ground. Maybe it's bliss for the Veela, I thought, but I would get more answers from Draco's father, but I can't exactly talk to him about it, could I?

"What's wrong, dear?" Mrs. Malfoy asked, putting a soft hand on mine, which was resting on the arm of the chair, "Have I said something?"

I looked up at her concerned expression. "No, it's just," I sighed, I didn't want to lie, "It's just I'm not sure about all of this."

She looked confused. "You're not... sure?" She asked.

I sighed, and leaned back into the chair. "I care about Draco, of course, and I know he cares about me, but I'm afraid I won't be the perfect mate he might want me to be. At school, I mean you might even know that every girl practically falls at his feet."

"It's the Veela pharamones," she explained quickly, but then gestured for me to continue.

"I gave him a chance, like he asked me to, and I said yes to being his girlfriend. I want this to go well, I really do. I just can't fall in love with him as fast as I should."

Mrs. Malfoy grabbed my arm, still tenderly but strong. "Hermione Granger," she said sternly, "You mustn't blame yourself for anything that happens, and you must never feel bad or think you're not the perfect mate. Never think that! These things can't be rushed."

"I'll try," I said, nodding slowly, "but-"

"No buts," she interrupted me, "A lot goes into a situation like this, and it's a lot of stress put on one person, especially the mate. That's one of the reasons why I never told Lucius what I was, because I didn't want him to feel obligated to me."

I sighed. "Draco was worried that that's the only reason why I agreed to be with him," I explained, "And I told him it wasn't. I was... quite upset that he thought that I would only do something like that out of pity."

By now I almost felt like I was going to shed a tear, and I felt one fall when Mrs. Malfoy stood up and pulled me into a hug. "It'll be alright, dear," she comforted.

She let go of me, and I wiped my eye. "Why don't you go get fixed up,' she suggested, "I'll meet you and show you down to the kitchen, it should be about dinner time."

I nodded, and wiped my eyes again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I had retreated back to my room for some alone time after lunch, and had picked up a book when there was a knock on my door. "Hermione?" Draco's voice called.

I opened the door. "Hey," I said, not sure what he was here for.

"I was wondering," he started, "You've been inside this whole time, did you wanna come outside and see the gardens?"

I had been inside for a while, plus it looked like blue skies out of my window. "What about the snow?" I asked.

"We've had a charm around
the gardens for years," he explained, shrugging, "it's like a greenhouse, but outside."

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