Chapter 10: The New

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(A/N: YOU GUYS IM SO SORRY BUT SOMEHOW CHAPTER 9 WAS UNPUBLISHED! I have no idea how it happened but I am going to republish it as soon as possible. And if you just got finished reading chapter 9, ignore this message. Thanks y'all!)

Draco's POV

That was the most nerve wracking experience I may have ever had... with a girl, at least. Whenever she had said something to me, I had no idea what to say, but my brain just spit something out. I could sense that she wasn't warming up to me that much, but she wasn't angry; anymore, that was. Who knows what could have been going through her mind when I was in the infirmary all day. Probably not 'happy thoughts'.

"I told her," I whispered to Blaise as I sat beside him in potions.

He turned to me, a look of mock shock on his face. "Really?" He asked, fake gasping, but then he lost the theatrics and whispered, "What did she do?"

"Nothing," I said, truthfully.





"Did she say anything?"

"Well of course she did."

"What did she say," he asked, a bit too curious about it.

"She wasn't angry at me," I said.

"That's all she said?" He asked.

"Well, she didn't really say it," I admitted, "I sensed it. She didn't really say anything that would give away her feelings. I pretty much did all the talking."

"Then what did you say?" Blaise asked, "I've never seen Draco Malfoy be romantic before!"

"It wasn't romantic!" I exclaimed, punching him in the arm hard. "It was actually pretty tense. I don't know if she's gonna give me a chance or not, honestly."

Blaise was silent, thank goodness, but then he spoke again, and I sighed.

"But if she doesn't, you die?"


"Will she die, too?"


"Well then don't worry, mate. I mean, if she doesn't to take a chance at dying a painful death, she'll warm up to you eventually. And I don't think she'll let you die, no matter how much she wants to," he smirked.

I didn't smile back.

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Hermione's POV

I was reading at my desk in transfig, waiting for the professor to start class, when Ginny plopped down in the chair beside me. She watched me, and when I didn't respond, she spoke. "What's wrong?"

I didn't answer at first, but then I realized she wasn't about to leave me alone until I gave her an answer. "Nothing," I mumbled.

She frowned and turned to face forward. "Ok," she sighed, "But when you're ready to tell me, you know I'll listen."

I sighed. I probably should tell her. I had to vent to someone and ask for advice, and I knew Ron and Harry would go mental if I told them. They wouldn't understand.

"Ginny?" I asked.

She didn't look at me, faking annoyance. "Yes?" She inquired back, nose turned up, obviously trying not to giggle.

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