Chapter 26: The Holiday

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Hermione's POV

I woke up to my bed being shaken, and opened my eyes to find a green pair staring at me from not one foot away. It was Ginny, and she was bouncing on my bed on her knees like an excited kid. "Hermioneee!" She groaned, "Get up, it's Christmas!"

I rubbed my eyes. "Is it really?" I joked.

Ginny laughed, and grabbed me by the hand, pulling me out of my bed. "Wait," I stopped her, "Can't you let me get dressed first?"

I noticed she was still in her pajamas as well. I wonder how long she's had been up. "Nope," she answered simply, "We've got to get you downstairs, Mum's already finished breakfast and everyone else is up. I'm not sure if Harry and Ron are out of their room yet, though..."

I sighed. "Then let's go," I giggled, not wanting to pass up one of Mrs. Weasley's Christmas breakfasts.

The opening of the presents took place right after that, and I also didn't want to miss it. Me, Ginny, and the boys had gone into Diagon alley to do some Christmas shopping two days ago, and I was excited to see what I would receive, as was everybody else.

"Good morning everybody, Happy Christmas!" I greeted as Ginny and I reached the bottom of the stairs.

Everyone was sitting in the living room, near the tree which was now surrounded by presents. "It's about time you two got up," Harry joked as we took seats by the rest of them.

After exchanging more "Happy Christmas's" between the group, Mrs. Weasley called us into the kitchen for breakfast. I took a seat at the huge table between Ginny and Ron. The eldest few of the Weasley children were also there, making for eleven us of sitting down for a meal.

Never had anything like this at home, I thought to myself. At home, it was just me, my parents, and every once in a while two or three guests for holidays. But at the Weasley's, meals were always an adventure.

"So Molly tells me that you four are going to the Malfoy's for New Year's Eve?" Mr. Weasley asked us, sipping his morning coffee.

Ginny nodded, but I spoke. "Draco invited me to go with him to the ball they have at their manor each year, "I explained, "And I asked if I could bring my friends. I would have felt odd going alone."

"And why did Malfoy invite you?" He asked curiously, eyebrow raised.

I sighed, looking down at the table. Sensing my discomfort, Mrs. Weasley spoke up. "Arthur!" She scolded softly, "Don't pry."

"No, it's ok," I assured, "It's just that... this year we found out that Draco is a Veela. I'm," I paused again, "his mate."

Mr. Weasley raised his eyebrows, but based on his past with Mr. Malfoy I was surprised his reaction wasn't more negative.

"Interesting," he said, leaning in slightly, "I'm familiar with Veelas; there's many cases involving them where I work. Tell me, how did you find out? That always seems to be the most interesting part of the story."

I shrugged. "I'm sure he would have preferred to tell me himself, but I found out when he and Harry had a quidditch accident, and I felt the effects. We both ended up in the hospital wing after a match, and Madam Pomfrey figured it out."

"So how-"

"Arthur, contain your curiosity for now," Mrs. Weasley interrupted again, "I'm sure there are other subjects that Hermione would prefer to discuss at our Christmas breakfast."

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