The Beginning

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Hi, my name Tom and what you are about to read is very unbelievable yet epic story . I am a 17 years old , weird boy with power of having the visions of the near future . I had my first vision when i was 7 . It was very unclear and it came to me at night , but it looked as if someone is being killed, it was very blur I could see two blur objects on of them tried to kill the other that is what i understood , trust me seeing it on TV made me more scared and obviously I told to my parents about it and as every parent they thought it was just another nightmare, and part of my fantasy . By 10 visions started to improve they were so clear that I could see every detail of the scene , I had visions of crime scenes but I never told anyone they would thing i am crazy or i am just lying and obviously as with the first one each and every was right I never tried to stop any of them I was just too afraid, I as well saw my near future . When I was 11 I started to use my powers 'the visions' for my own good, started to block certain things and see certain things for example I stopped seeing crime and instead concentrate on predict the test dates and what will be asked in it ,and thanks to that I am a straight A+ student . No one even knew of my powers till this year . Things started going weird at the beginning of the new academic year , it was an ordinary morning , and after my usual breakfast and usual talk about how it is important my education is for my future . School day was very boring too, you see I am not the most social person and i kinda um..HATE school , I mean who doesn't? Nothing has happened till the 5th period , which is physics , we found out that we have a new teacher ...pretty good if you ask me ....Mrs Ginger was..a...hmm..a bit crazy. Our new teacher Mr.Borden was quite tall blonde with blue eyes , and that guy must have spent days and nights in gym cause he was like 99% muscles .But he was not crazy and kinda cool ..I had the feeling I saw him somewhere , I totally saw him...
" Good morning everyone my names is Mr. Borden but you can call me Mr. H , and I would like to note that you can ask me any question, and as long as it is related to physics I would love to answer it .....But i repeat only physics related questions"

I wasn't honestly the most social guy ..didn't have any close friend and surely never liked any girl . Next moment after introduction I found us making fun by asking weird questions and then suddenly.A question was asked that got my attention ,

" Can we predict the future , like have visions of it ?"

The reason this question got my attention was not just that it was related to me but also that I didn't predict it, like I never saw it in my vision of today's day just like the following events.I had all those thoughts flowing through my head ..besides the rest this were the main "Where my visions being wrong? Am I losing my powers? "
"Well I guess Tommy can answer this question, right Tommy "
I stood up in horror . I was so terrified that I couldn't say a word , I think I stood there with wide dropped mouth for a solid 15 minutes , but luckily bell saved me out .
Rest of the periods I was numb thinking of what is going on , till lunch break.
" Hi , Tom "
I looked up and saw a beautiful , blond , with blue eyes and soft looking face , I surely never spoke to her, not as if i speak to anyone, as predictable as it could be I didn't even know her name , I have heard that voice before....She was the one who asked the question back in the physics class , but I never saw her in my visions.....I was carried out into my thoughts when the soft voice ripped me back to reality ..
" Ugh ..Hello there, are you dead or what "
" .... Hi... Um-mm....I don't thinks so I know your name or you " I replied not to look like a total weirdo although maybe it was late.
"Yes , you do , we have been studying together like forever , and also we are neighbors ...."
JESSICA !!! that is her name " Jessica , Jessica Williams is it "
"Yes!!" She replied smiling , I smiled back .
"You were the one who asked that question in the physics class right"
"And you are the one who was supposed to answer it " She replied in a sarcastic way , so I laughed .
Bell rang indicating the ending of lunch and beginning of sports class, by the middle of which I felt sick and was sent home . All the way to home I was quiet, day passed pretty quickly ..I kept on thinking about my...... this.... whole situation and after the dinner i had a headache and my mom called the school excusing me for being sick and that, ladies and gentlemen is when my life took the biggest plot i ever imagined...

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