Chapter 6: Into the Belly of the Beast

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Kanan's POV:
Kanan looked on into the temporary medbay of the Ghost (Sabine's room) from the doorway, looking on as Sabine laid unconscious but alive on a stretcher with Ezra constantly at her side with his head in his hands.  Although he'd only just regained his sight after over a year without it he was starting to wish he was still blind, this was one eventuality he'd never wanted to witness.  From the very first few days of Ezra joining the crew all that time ago he'd seen something spark between him and Sabine and although it hadn't developed into anything yet, Kanan still knew this would hit Ezra the hardest.  He sealed off the door to the medbay with a sigh and moved to join Hera, Chopper and Zeb in the meeting room.  "Good that your here, now I wouldn't say this with Ezra around but I know that you guys can handle the rough truth.  There is good news and bad news.  Firstly, it appears that during her interrogation the Empire administered a poison of sorts known as Fleurotoxin B which has a primary of effect of amplifying pain received by tampering with the nervous system and a secondary effect of not allowing the victim to fall unconscious.  Now the small part of good news here is that the unconscious effect of the toxin has obviously worn off." Hera began to explain whilst sitting down on the holo-table, clearly not wanting to discuss the bad news.  "Guessing this bad news ain't very good Hera, give it to us straight...please" Zeb requested in his usual gruff voice which he was obviously putting on to try to hide his true emotions.  "The bad news is that the primary effect of the toxin is still present in Sabine and unless we get here the right antidote soon and I mean very soon then...she...won't make it" Hera finished, choking up for the first time in forever.  Kanan walked over and put his arm around her in his unique comforting way which somehow always managed to make things better.  Normally Zeb and Chopper would make some sort of comment at the two of them hugging but neither of them felt like jokes and Zeb almost felt like he needed a hug as well.  Chopper let out a short series of quiet and sad beeps and Zeb stroked his shell like he was ruffling his hair almost, Zeb always had a silent but effective way of reassuring people.  It was one of the few traits that him and Kanan shared.  "Hera, you mentioned an antidote" Kanan stated, bringing the crew back to topic.  "Uh yes" she said, climbing off the table and activating a hologram of a small vial "it's called Dartflower Serum and it would completely clear the effects of the toxin.  Trouble is, it's especially rare and there's only one hub of trade big enough in the galaxy where'd we stand a chance of finding it in time...Coruscant".  "Karrabast" Zeb muttered as Chopper chimed in with some panicked bleeps.  "Chopper's right Hera, a trip to Coruscant would almost certainly guarantee our capture.  I mean it's the centre of the Empire" Kanan said gloomily whilst staring at the floor.  "I know Kanan but what choice do we have? Without that serum Sabine will die!" Hera retaliated in a half angry/half sad wail.  A solemn silence filled the air, broken by a single voice.  "I'll go".  Ezra stood in the doorway with black bags under his eyes indicating that he'd clearly just been crying.  "Ezra...I don't know how much you heard but I know you're upset, we all are.  Venturing to Coruscant on your own is a death wish though" Kanan said, putting his hand on Ezra's shoulder.  "He won't be alone, I'll go with him.  We'll take the Phantom, we can't risk taking the Ghost.  You know you can't stop us Kanan" Zeb said, walking over to Ezra's side.  Inside Kanan knew that he was right, nothing was going to stop Zeb or Ezra from flying to the ends of the universe if need be to save their friend, and he couldn't help but agree.

Ezra's POV:
Ezra crouched beneath the Phantom's dashboard, screwing up loose bolts and making sure everything was in tip top condition.  He'd cried again since the meeting and he knew that he couldn't stop until he got Sabine back, his Sabine.  The one who shared his sense of humour, the one who called him "kid" for so long despite being less than a year older and the one for whom he'd give up anything to be with.  He stopped and wiped his nose whilst sniffing.  "Great, I'm welling up again...if Sabine could see me now oh the jokes she'd make" he remarked making him smile a little, for the first time that day in fact.  He heard footsteps climbing up the metal ladders leading up to the Phantom and presumed it was Zeb finally being ready to go.  "All right, are you ready to set off?" he asked without sticking his head out from under the dashboard.  "It's you I'm worried about" a familiar but not Zeb-like voice stated.  "Kanan, hey..." Ezra replied, not knowing what else to say.  "Ezra, just a few days ago you gave me back the gift of sight which I am incredibly grateful for.  It has allowed me to see how much you've grown, both in power and maturity since our fight with Maul.  It has also allowed me to see how determined you've become to protect your friends, Sabine in particular from danger.  Just be wary that you do not kill yourself trying to save her" he warned, giving Ezra a tight hug.  This wasn't a Hera hug which was filled with mother-like affection or a Zeb hug which was filled with brotherly support or even a Sabine hug which was...force knows what, this was a Kanan hug from master to apprentice and it said a million things at once, predominantly though to follow your training no matter what happens.

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