Part 5

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Matilda Declarta walked up to the attic where she heard her sister scream. As she entered the attic her attention was quickly stolen toward a box with red velvet draped over it. She read the words engraved around the edge of the cabinet, holding the box. It spoke of a world within a glass ball, of people helping to fight to keep the upper hand, until one failed. Matilda opened the cabinet, to find a stack of diaries with her ancestor's name on them, each with the word, 'Successful', written next to the name. But the very top book had the name;'Natalia Declata' written on the spine, next to her sisters name was the word, 'FAILED', written in bold letters. She opened the diary to the very last page and read;

Natalia is now no more, a worthless spirit, trapped in a world that's not her's.

Matilda closed the book and the cabinet, and cried her way down the stairs.


I know this story is real, I have the diary, I have the prophecy ball and I have the box. Without these three things I wouldn't have half the knowledge I have now. It taught me what courage really is and what types of people to trust. But most of all, it taught me the effects of death and betrayal.
On day, when I'm ready I'll have mine and Natalia's revenge on Nathan.


Well there u have it THE BOX.
There might be a sequel, don't kept your hopes up though.
I would love to hear your responses.


There you go Matilda your character comes again, in her own part.

The most beautiful thing,
We can experience,
Is the mysterious.
Albert Einstein

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