Part 3

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The hike was unbearable! Her legs ached. At school she did poorly at cross country. But this was ten times worse. At night the only sounds were of the fire crackling, the tree branches having light contact and of owls talking to the moon. In daylight it was anything but peaceful, with regular convoys of evil creatures, (known as bongals) passing. To keep out of sight Natalia had to keep to the edge of the woods. After a few days of travelling, Natalia reached the beginning part of the past where evil dwells. Once she crossed the border, she knew nowhere. Once she entered, she knew she'd be within reach of Death's icy cold hand. She took one breath, placed her right foot forward and stealthy moved among the closest trees which thought would be a perfect place to hide. At sundown she revised over her instructions;find the evil lord, duel with him and return home, alive. Exhausted she collapsed into a deep sleep.


The birds song started early in the morning, abnormally off tune. When Natalia opened her eyes, the very first thing she saw was Nathan's piercing hazelnut eyes staring down at her. Feeling very embarrassed, she blushed and asked him why he was there so early in the morning. He explained that he wanted to check that she was okay and if he could check that the prophecy ball wasn't turning evil. Despite her better judgment, Natalia let him look at it. After many moments of silence, Nathan laughed and said, "Exactly right I knew you'd succeed!"


Very short part I know. Tell me if you like it and Part 4 should come out later on today.

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