Part 2

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Thud! She fell. Next to Natalia's arm was the glass sphere, floating in midair. She found the strength to stand and grabbed the ball, she felt for cracks, there were none! Looking around she realised she wasn't in Newcastle anymore. She was in what appeared to be an old rundown cemetery, but not one that seemed to have a place on Earth. Adjacent to one of the graves was a body, paralysed. Not wanting another death to happen, Natalia ran over to the body, inspecting the boy's body with great care. With her fingers poised to grab him, Natalia folded her jumper and placed it under her knees (which were getting sore). She projected her hands forward and grabbed the limp body. He sprang to life (before she even had a chance to shake him), knocking Natalia back to the ground. The boy jumped, skipped and hopped around until he saw Natalia still in shock and sitting up against one of the gravestones. Helping her up he told her his name, which was 'Nathan'.


Nathan explained that from each generation of Natalia's family, one person completed a task against the villains of the past, "So far, not one generation has failed". The last five words lingered in her head. "What do I have to achieve to get home?" She asked unwillingly but politely. "You have the prophecy ball don't you? Ask it?" Nathan said, (although expecting her to know more about the whole process). "First may I ask? What are all these graves for, most of them don't have a name of anything on them?" Natalia was looking around the thousands of graves that lay in front of her, when Nathan answered. "These graves are for all the people who have failed us. If you fail, a spare grave will have a proper engraved name on it and your body will fill it's place." That night Natalia asked the voice inside the prophecy ball all her questions, they were all answered, thoroughly but quickly. Once she knew all she needed to, she scribbled down a note, as she passed the sleeping body of Nathan, she dropped the note beside his head. The note stated that she knew what must be done and that she was going to succeed.


So that was Part 2 shorter than Part 1 Sorry! But please leave a comment. Part 3 should but published soon.

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