19. Edward

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<p>Bella yawned, unfurling from her hunched position on the couch, her book falling open on her lap. The family room was empty of any Cullen members, which shouldn't have surprised her, half the time she was convinced that the house was empty of everyone but her.</p>

<p>Her stomach had begun to swell slightly, although it was easily hidden when she wore patterned tops or baggy shirts. Excluding it affecting her eating habits and her day-clock, nothing else was out of the ordinary. That was...</p>

<p>She glanced down at her hand, chest tightening, warmth spreading along her skin at the sight of the small ring. It wasn't large, or extravagant, but she adored it nonetheless, and for once in her life, she was happy with receiving a gift. It had a floral design, a simple band with silver vines wrapped around it. On each vine hung a tiny diamond rose, she hadn't noticed it at first, but once she had gotten through the shock, and actually examined the ring, she had been astonished to find that inside each rose was a letter of her name, and if she turned the ring, she would read her name over it. It hadn't been a big event either, and if she was honest, she was coming to realize that Emmett held so many things in common with her, more so than she had first realized. For example, he disliked flashy events unless there was a possibility he could crash them. So instead of taking her out, he had asked her out of the blue, five minutes before midnight, after a heated hour long session of making out, her eyes half closed as she awaited the warmth of sleep. She had been so shocked that she hadn't answered for minutes, so much so that she had caused him to assume rejection.</p>

<p>She'll never forget the look on his face, when she said 'Yes'. The expression of absolute excitement and disbelief, as if he had approached the subject expecting her to say no.</p>

<p>Of course, Rosalie had morphed into a demon incarnate since the news had been let out, the proposal and her pregnancy had set a permanent look of hatred on her angelic face. Bella couldn't help the slight twinge of pity she felt for her the blond who had not only lost her husband due to her selfishness, but now had to watch the woman she hated have the one thing she had always wished for, a baby. God it must've been so painful.</p>

<p>Naturally, Alice had jumped at the chance to plan her wedding, to which she had been quickly rejected, both Emmett and Bella stating that they wanted to marry after the baby was born, so Charlie could walk Bella down the aisle, which would mean that the wedding would only happen in a year and a half. Alice had been confused at first, however Bella explained that she wanted to help with the plans, but with the pregnancy, she wouldn't be able to, so she would rather wait until the birth of her child. Never let it be said that Alice was not understanding or patient; the little pixie grinned and bowed, nodding in acquiescence, before skipping off in search of her husband.</p>

<p>Bella smiled at the memory, closing her book and setting it on the side-table. She stood from her seat, stretching with a loud groan of exhaustion, her pajama bottoms sliding down to the jut of her hips, hanging dangerously before she pulled them back up over her stomach.</p>

<p>Making her way to the kitchen, she spied round the corner, spotting Emmett and Esme beside the large marble island, talking.</p>

<p>"Emmett dear, your eyes are black, go hunt." Esme said commanded gently, "You're no help to Bella if you're thirsty, take Alice she needs to feed as well, take her with you for a few hours, and then come back, I promise she'll be fine."</p>

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