2. Imposing

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Emmett's POV

It was soft, and high-pitched, and could've been a small animal. But he knew enough about the female anatomy, to recognize a sound like that. A whimper. He had first assumed it was a ghost on the wind, and ignored it, but it repeated, louder, deeper, breaking into a cry as it reached its peak. A moan. His eyes flickered open, and he sat rock still, waiting for it to repeat. It did; a soft reverberation amongst the peace, not discernible to the human ear, but loud and clear to a male Vampire. He nearly fell from his branch, his muscles tense at how wanton the sound was, how it caused his body to shudder in desperation, and it was clear where it had come from, what had caused it. He glanced at Bella's window, his fist tightening as he waited anxiously to se if the reason for the sound was as he expected.

He couldn't really see her bed from this angle of the branch, both a blessing and a curse, so he landed on the ground, inching closer to the wall, his body swallowed in the darkness. He pulled himself up onto the window-sill, praying to God that it wouldn't break or creak under his weight, the last thing he needed was to be caught.

At first the room was silent, and completely still. He considered his idea stupid, Edward's sweet, innocent, Bella would never do such a thing, she wouldn't touch herself, she seemed too naïve for that, she would probably touch herself then die from too much blood rushing to her brain, but then again, this wasn't Edward's Bella. Edward's Bella wouldn't dress in front of an open window, knowing full well that a male Vampire was outside watching her. But that thought scattered as another moan filled the air, and the body on the bed squirmed, the sheets moving down to reveal flushed skin and taut muscles which tensed under pleasure.

He should've left, it was private, none of his business, he had no right watching her in such a vulnerable and intimate position. She was probably thinking of Edward, it would screw things up if his brother knew he had seen his fiancé touch herself. Emmett didn't need to hear her moan his brother's name, not when he wished so desperately she would say his instead. But he was entranced. The image of her hand rubbing desperately between her thighs, fingers dipping into dark curls, rubbing small circles into the wet skin.

It seemed so adoringly funny, because it was so unexpected while still beautiful at the same time. Her legs were bent and spread wide, anxious for a body to fit between them, a puzzle piece without a mate. Emmett growled at the sight, his fingers curling an indentation into the brickwork as he clenched his eyes shut. His body pulsing painfully in reaction as he fought the urge to go forward and dip his head between her thighs. After knowing her for two years, it had became easy to ignore the scent of her blood, she still smelled delicious, but he'd rather have her than her blood. Her head was flung back, dark hair spread chaotically over the white pillows, surrounding her flushed face. Her sheets were thrown away and hanging on each side of her body, exposing her breasts to the night air. She looked beautiful, chest heaving, the air filled with small moans and unintelligible whimpers. It sent need deep into his bloodstream, straight between his legs, his body quickly becoming a live-wire, his jeans not having much chance of lasting against the pressure that continued to build.

He imagined slipping inside, his body fitting between those thighs, his hands taking over her ministrations, drawing each wanton sound from her lips till she didn't want anything other than him. His breathing picked up, as she gave a high-pitched cry, her body rocking as she peaked. The smell of her sex filled the air, drowning him in musk. But that wasn't what caused him to give into his desires, his control snapping and shattering to small unfixable pieces. The uneven peace he had established of watching at a distance, not touching, it all quickly came undone. He had been around her long enough to learn self-restraint; the sight wasn't what caused his control to snap.

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