4. Cracks

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Sunlight peeked through the open curtain, spreading weak rays of warmth across the twisted bodies in the bed. Pink on pale white, small arms pressed tightly to the large expanse of muscle. The golden light shone across the skin of Emmett's legs and back, making his flesh glisten with each movement of muscle. He knelt comfortably on the bed; his body settling over Bella's sleeping form, blocking her closed eyes from the intruding light. He stared at her slumbering face, a gentle smile on her young features, and felt the nee to nuzzle her neck, his arm pulling her closer in for a hug.

Her back was peppered with light kisses, his lips gliding light as a feather over her beautiful form, her skin tingling as his fingers rubbed each tender spot, pressing into the warm flesh. Her body still ached from the previous night's activities, and despite it being the day after, her body was still tender, and satisfyingly raw from the fucking she had endured the night before. She could faintly remember, in her dreamy state, the feel of him sliding into her, the satisfying stretch and fill, the embarrassing sounds she had made, humming at the memory, and turning her head to the side to gaze at him through sleep-ridden eyes.

It had been two days since the start of their "Activities" And Bella already could feel her life unravelling around her. The obsessions, the ties she had thought her heart held for her now seemingly distant fiancé seemed to fall away, insignificant compared to the torrent of emotion she felt now. Lust, love, freedom, so much freedom, she could flex her fingers without flinching in fear of breaking the fine layer of peace her world laid upon. With Edward, everything was unhealthily over-dramatized, sucking the life from her, so much inconsitency, it was difficult to trust her future with him, constant doubts drowning her and stopping her from breathing easy. That wasn't love. She didn't think she even knew what love felt like, a girl of 18, her first relationship and she thought she knew what love was, what a stupid mistake. All she knew was how good it felt when Emmett caged her to the bed, the lack of fear when his eyes turned black, and the absolute confidence that she wasn't the only one in this deal that wanted to be there. She needed that. She didn't know if it was love, but she wouldn't trade it for anything. She hadn't realized it before, but he didn't hover over her, check her messages, check where she was going and why. He wasn't controlling, obsessive and out-right annoying. He gave her his phone number and told her to text him every so often so he knew she was safe. It made Bella feel... Useful, like she wasn't this petty doll that couldn't look after herself. He didn't touch her with hesitation, and if it weren't for her knowledge in his true strength, she would've thought that their intimacy was no different from anyone else's. He didn't hold back himself, he growled, and purred and didn't grow sensitive when the topic of her transformation came up. He supported her, smiling at her quirks and flaws, even when she herself was disgusted with her body, he acted as if she were the most precious thing in the world, her! It wasn't petty, there was no jealousy with Emmett, she didn't have to prove herself to him, and he didn't push her to Jacob with his doubts and constant bitching. And although it was wrong, and it should've sent guilt over her, drowning her. It only high-lighted the contrasts between the two men, and how stupid she had been to ignore them.

His fingers curled around her hip, kneading the tender flesh as his breath whispered over her neck, and her eyes fluttered open, her head turning to the side as she glanced up at him. "Emmett..." She squirmed, laughing as his touches tickled over her back, shuddering as he reached the small of her back. "Emmett, my breath stinks, they're coming back today, I need to shower and we have to clean this room." They had both decided to keep their relationship secret, stay with their respective spouses so as to keep the peace of the household. Emmett feared that if he left Rosalie, she would wreak havoc on the Cullen's, go on some type of sick vengeance spree. Bella worried that Edward would turn suicidal...it didn't make them happy though, knowing they would have to watch the other with another.

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