6. Learning

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"Are you angry?"

The room was horrible silent, save for Bella's slow, nervous breaths. Her knees were pressed against her chest, and she watched anxiously as Alice paced the room, her hands twitching and fiddling behind her back. She would stop, frown and open her mouth as if to speak, before thinking better of it and continuing her restless pacing.

Finally she sighed, taking a seat beside Bella on the bed, her eyes tired. "No..." She shook her head, smiling sadly. "I'm not angry." She looked up, and Bella couldn't stop the sigh of relief. She nodded her head, shuffling on the silk sheets before standing. Alice's eyes were light, and golden, and inside she could see the tiredness in her pupils.

"I'm not sorry Alice." She said her eyes determined, refusing to apologies. She watched as the small woman looked up, nodding. "I know you're not, neither is he." She indicated towards the door, where they could hear the sounds of Emmett playing on the Television, a miffed little scowl on her small face. "I just- I want you to be happy Bella!" She exclaimed standing and folding her arms across her chest. "I know you're unhappy with my brother, and Emmett is too, it's just-"

Bella cut her off, placing a warm hand over her shoulder. "I know its unexpected Alice- But I can't have you hating me... And neither can Emmett..." Suddenly her body was crushed by two small arms, Alice's face nestled into her bosom.

"I could never hate you Bella... I love you both dearly, if- if this is what makes you happy then I'm glad for you. I'll always support you." Bella smiled, returning the tight hug. She leaned into Alice's cold body and began to laugh. "I just, I don't want either of you to get hurt, and as much as Edward and Rose piss me off, I know this will affect them badly, I want to avoid a confrontation." Bella nodded in understanding, smiling sadly "I know, Thanks Alice." She smiled, disappointed when arms fell away, her small body moving and sitting on the bed. She clapped her dainty hands, sitting opposite to Bella and leaning forward dramatically. Her sad expression fell away, replaced with an eager smile.

"So how was it? " Bella's face flushed red as she looked down, fiddling with a dark piece of thread on her pant-leg. They both looked up when the bedroom door opened, Jasper walking into the room. Bella blushed, and Jasper seemed to feel her worries because he bowed his head, smiling softly. "Don't worry Bella, I know, I won't snitch." He said soothingly, a wave of calm washing over her. She looked at Alice, catching the sheepish grin on her dainty features. "He is my husband Bella..." She defended, and Bella smiled, shaking her head. Alice dragged her face back, continuing their conversation. The door closed and he was gone, leaving them alone again. "You saw..." She tried to explain, her embarrassment over-whelming her. Alice slapped her thigh gently, grinning, her amber eyes sparkling. "Bella... I didn't want to see anything, I blocked it out because of Edward, and I want you to tell me if it was good. " She glanced away, her tongue pressing to her cheek, and couldn't help glancing at the door. She knew she would regret this, who knew how big Emmett's ego could get. She nodded her head, peeking up through her lashes, "It was amazing Alice." She whispered, biting her lip.

"He didn't hurt you?" Alice said seriously, her eyes firm, and Bella shook her head, sighing dreamily. "He was perfect."

The room erupted in a series of laughter as Alice fell to her back, cupping her hands against her mouth. In the distance he could hear the roar as Emmett joined in, his voice traveling up the stairs and through the closed door. "Thanks Bells!" He shouted, and her face lit up, blood flooding her cheeks. "Oh Bella! You're face..." She sat back up, giggling heartily. "And the phone stunt!" She exclaimed, "I was miffed at the time, but that's so hot." She made a show of fanning herself, causing Bella to crack a smile in response. "But what are you going to do about..." She said seriously, and Bella looked away, out the window into the dreary grey sky of Forks. "We can't do anything Alice, you know Edward, and he'll do something really stupid. I don't know how Rosalie will react, but from Emmett's reaction, I'm guessing not so well." Alice nodded, licking her lip and standing.

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