Chapter 5: How dare you!

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Eva placed her laptop on the settee, slipped out of her shoes and after a long time in her shower tub, she wore a loose t-shirt and a pair of slacks.

She switched on the speakers with her remote control to have some music and poured herself a generous amount of champagne in a tulip glass.

Before she could even sip a drop, she heard two consecutive knocks on the door followed by the doorbell. Unusual. She set down the glass on the table and walked to the door.

She peeped into the door hole and gladly opened it. "Mom, dad!"

She flung her arms around them and held them for a long moment. She pulled back and stepped aside to let them in, "I am surprised. I thought you would be back in a few days."

Her mother, Joanna was sophisticatedly dressed in an evening dress. Her rings and necklaces were beaming just as her eyes, "Oh darling, we couldn't wait to see you! We've brought a surprise for you, right Andreas? Where is it?"

"It's coming." Her father was dressed in casual clothes, far lighter than her mother. He looked just like a tourist. He appeared relaxed and happy. She has noticed that his wrinkles, born when he used to frown too much, had simply disappeared.

She was glad he was taking more care of his health than his business.

She guessed the positive outcome of the fact that he had heart problems was that now, he was able to spend more time with his wife.

Joanna took Eva's hands and squeezed them, "Ah honey, you wouldn't know who saw us at the airport! He drove us here too."

Andreas coughed deliberately. He silently told his impatient wife that she was being a bit too early in her talks.

Eva arched an eyebrow, having no idea who it could be.

Her mother laughed as she released her and walked back to her husband, in a way so natural that he held her close. She playfully exclaimed, "Count to ten, sweetie!"

She was puzzled. She casually shrugged and started to count, a bit faster than she intended to. Before she could even say the first syllable of 'seven', the door knocked followed once again by the doorbell. Really, they should have put that doorbell in a place that people would instantly see and she would be saved from hearing loud knocks!

Her mother screamed in delight, startling her, "And ten! Your present is here! Open the door, honey!" She executed her wish and was astonished to see Carlo Forcci before her. What an...unpleasant surprise! What was this rascal doing here...and what was he carrying!?

A flat box, wrapped in shiny silver paper with golden ribbon. The man smirked, "Mi amore! Happy to see me? You did not expect me here, ?"

He did not bother and made his way inside her suite, taking care not to bang the gift box with anything. Eva closed the door and crossed her arms as she leaned against it, "You're not welcome, Carlo."

His revengeful eyes held hers for a long moment before he approached her, took her hands and kissed them both. "Not a single day has passed without you being on my mind, Cara. I've decided to forgive you for all you've done. I'm ready to start afresh...with you."

She so wanted to give him a slap and throw him outside right now. Her parents were blind not to see the psycho behind this Italian man.

Before she could do or say anything, Joanna intervened between them, "Honey, you may romance later but for now! Open your gift! Andreas and I have chosen it with much care. We bought the most perfect one after a long walk in that marvellous city of Rome! One was even scandalous but your father has-"

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