Thoughts of worry and terror

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Chapter 7

This can't be right.

Immediately I broke down , making me no longer visible.

I hope it wasn't too obvious.

Maybe they have found me, maybe they are secretly spying on me so that they can be sure that I am really what they think I am.

NO, this can't be true!

I realized that even if this moment would eventually come up, I would have no clue where to start worrying.

A part of my body felt a rush of sleepiness sweep through but I felt like I wouldn't ever be able to close my eyes again.

What was I going to do now, nothing could be worse than being discovered and possibly killed.

I couldn't just walk out there and let myself be caught by those nasty police.

I couldn't take it any more.

This was too much too take in right now, too much pressure.

I haven't had this much pressure since...ever.

I decided to lie down and calm myself. I had to think this through before i did anything stupid.

 I had to stay on task, figure something out before it was too late...

I closed my eyes and instantly feel into a deep sleep.


A dull noise in the back of my head woke me up.

Not completely, it felt like it was part of a dream that had appeared in my sleep.

Slowly my eyes got used too the darkness in my room.

I turned my head to the alarm clock on my bedside table.

10.43 PM

My eyes widened and I sat up straight.

How long have I been sleeping?

Quickly I pushed that thought out of my head and brought back my real problem and the fact that I was still clueless.

But me being spyed on wasn't the only option given.

 There was still a bit of hope in there, I knew there could be.

Maybe she is someone like... me.

A Shadow kid, who aimlessly walks around trying to start something in life that matters.

This could be a possibility.

But the chances were low, I had to find out more about HER.


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