Chapter One

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Chapter One - "You turned your aunt into a balloon, don't you think you should be the one shutting up?"

... "I'm deeply sorry to inform you that your mother passed away before she got to the hospital."

... "You're father was brutally tortured, but is currently still alive."

... "She hasn't moved for two days. She won't leave until she finds out how her father is."


I tap my fingers against the plastic chair impatiently. It's been two weeks since ... since my mum died. They let me start visiting dad last week. He hasn't woken up, but the healers say he can still hear me and he's not in any pain so that's good.

"Emily," I look up to see Neville and his grandmother.

My dad is in the same ward as Neville's parents so we've being talking every time he comes. It's a nice distraction.

"How's he doing?" Neville asks.

"About the same," I answer, smiling weakly.

"Well, I'll see you again tomorrow," he says, giving me a quick hug, before entering the ward after his Nan.

I close my eyes. I haven't slept properly in what feels like forever. I'm just dropping off when I hear shouts from inside my dad's ward and I jump to my feet.

Running in, I watch as the healers try to stop him seizing. Gripping my jumper sleeve, I pray silently that he's okay. But inside, I know he's not. This is confirmed when I hear what the healer closest to me says.

"Time of death ..."

I don't stay to hear the rest. Running out, I hurry down the many stairs, pushing past people, ignoring the grumbles, feeling hot tears falling down my face.

I reach the exit and burst out, falling onto the path, sobbing. It's the middle of the night so there are no Muggle's around.

I hear a soft patter of feet and I look up. A skinny black dog is next to me, his head cocked to the side. Pulling a granola bar that one of the healers gave me out of my pocket, I unwrap it and give it to the dog, who munches on it happily. He whines softly and brushes his head against my cheek.

Chuckling softly, I give him a quick hug and the dog runs off, just as Dumbledore appears next to me

"Hi," I say softly, as he sits next to me.

"The healers alerted me of your father's death, my apologies," he says softly.

"S'okay," I mutter, even though it's obviously not.

"Your parents wouldn't want you to be sad."

"I can't forget them," I say, wiping my eyes.

"I'm not asking you to forget," he says, eyes twinkling, "Always remember them, but don't stop living because they did."

"Wise words," I laugh weakly and we get to our feet.

"I've arranged for you to stay at the Leaky Cauldron for the reminder of the summer."

Nodding, I take his arm, and he disapparates, taking me with him. We appear in the Leaky Cauldron, and Tom is standing by the stairs, waiting.

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